Lemon drop leaves beginning to go black

Hiya guys. So I've noticed that some of the leaves on my lemon drop plant are beginning to go brown/black around the edges. Doesn't seem to be effecting the flowering as they still look pretty strong but if someone could tell me what the actual problem is and any advice, that would be great!
I'm only watering them once a week now if that helps anyone?
Thanks :) 
The leaves look deficient in something. What are you using for nutrients?
This also kind of looks like bacterial leaf spot or some sort of bacterial pathogen. Are the leaves falling off? Rotting away? If there is any kind of necrotic activity going on with the leaves, pathogen is most likely the culprit.
If this problem is only affecting a couple of the leaves, not the whole plant, pluck all of the affected leaves off and dispose of them. Notice what happens when the fruit develops as well. Keep an eye on the new growth and see if its being affected as well.
Keep us posted!
I used a seaweed fertilizer when they first started to flower but haven't used anything since, only water. Should I be using fertilizer more regularly? Yes some have fallen off, i wouldn't say rotting away as I have caught the ones that have just started to go spotty. Here are some better photos of the actual plant.
The plant looks overall really healthy. I wouldn't stress it too much. Just wait and see what happens over the next few weeks