Leopard Leaves--Cause?

My Poblano is showing spotted leaves, and I'm trying to diagnose the cause. 
I water it about 1-2 times a week in a full watering, but give it little hits (up to 12oz) as the leaves begin to droop. I use fish emulsion, but haven't in over a month. I recently hit it with sulfur and epsom salt, but this issue has been going on from before the last hit. 
What I can't recall is whether or not I gave it a MG plant spike, but if I did, it's the indoor variety, which has very little NPK vs the outdoor/ vegetable type.


What's not well-reflected in the photos is that some of the new leaves are starting to sicle or curl upwards. Is this a sign of over-nutrition?
magnesium deficiency would be my call  Just give it some epsom salt( tablespoon per gallon of H2O)  . Curled leaves could be a sign of too much NPK ? I would not assume Mites unless major curling or some rusting under the leaves . Overall plant looks healthy to me . 
Mites. I don't know what kind. Also, that plant needs some water.

Thanks. I'm hesitant to water, as I've lost two plants to root rot this season; the buckets get really dry on the edges, but the center stays damp. Plan on switching to grocery bags next year.

Case in point, my jalapeño. R. I. P., jalapeñomigo.

Haven't seen any pests. What should I look out for? Treat with Dial+water?
magnesium deficiency would be my call  Just give it some epsom salt( tablespoon per gallon of H2O)  . Curled leaves could be a sign of too much NPK ? I would not assume Mites unless major curling or some rusting under the leaves . Overall plant looks healthy to me . 

Thanks romy. I'll see if that helps abate the issue.
Fitsea said:
Thanks. I'm hesitant to water, as I've lost two plants to root rot this season; the buckets get really dry on the edges, but the center stays damp. Plan on switching to grocery bags next year.

Case in point, my jalapeño. R. I. P., jalapeñomigo. �

Haven't seen any pests. What should I look out for? Treat with Dial+water?

Thanks romy. I'll see if that helps abate the issue.
If it does turn out to be mites, go for sulfur dust. It's probably magnesium though, it's just that I'm paranoid about mites at the moment because of what's going on in my garden.
I'm paranoid about mites at the moment because of what's going on in my garden.

Fair enough. Yeah, it's had plenty of sulphur, haha. Found a fellow neighbor's plant (I rooftop garden) has stink bugs, so I'm a little on edge about pests myself.

Good luck with the mites on your end!