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Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Over the last year or two, I have been learning a lot about growing various plants. Here is my list for peppers.

1) Never use Jiffy Peat Pellets - Pellets are a great medium for sprouting, but unless the plant is very robust they can hinder a small plant's growth. They either hold too much water in relation to the surrounding transplant soil or they harden with age and choke the roots of slow growing plants. After experimenting, I now use part Seed Starter, part Perlite, part Vermiculite, and part Worm Castings. Tiny seedlings have a much easier time.

2) I now plant at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4" and rarely have Sprout Hats anymore.

3) When growing seedlings in Winter- Lights, Heat, and Reflection are essential. As much as I wanted and really tried to stay "Natural", Window Light and room temperature (68-70f) were simply not enough to get seedlings moving fast enough. I struggled all winter. And with Jiffy Pellets that can spell Doom over time as the roots get trapped in the aging pellets.

4) I live in the hills, so Direct Sun can be pretty hot regardless of ambient temperature, so I must always use some sort of Sun Shade when hardening. I'm not so concerned with cold as I am heat. I have fried too many seedlings very quickly in cold weather.

5) Jiffy Pellet seedlings in dense Potting Soil in Plastic Cups were the kiss-of-death for me. They held too much water and heat. The top soil would get dry (and the Pellet) and the tiny roots would really struggle. But the lower portion would be soggy. Drainage was terrible regardless of how many holes I had at the bottom. Now my small cups are Peat (they breath) and my soil is part Seed Starter, part Per-lite, part Vermiculite, and part Worm Castings, and part Potting Soil to give a just little bulk. I water much more often but with the fluffy soil the roots dry out when they should and breath and are much happier. This is pretty much the same soil I use for germination.

I have learned a lot from everyone here, and hopefully have found the right combination of things to work for my situation. Next year I should have room for a Light Shelf system, which should help a lot.
I actually love peat pellets and have over a 95% hatch ratio using them along with the standard Jiffy 72 cell greenhouse this and last season. However it seems that your problems are watering environment related and not a problem with the pellet itself. If you don't water enough the pellet will dry out and obviously cause problems. If you try and grow the plant in a peat pellet it will cause problems. I plant them let them grown and after they start growing leaves I move them over to soil and remove the peat pellet. It does take a bit more time and effort to transport them, but I have never had a problem with plants this way and have had several tough to hatch plants like bhut's and white habs. Not sure If I would say peat pellets are wrong as much as I would say they are wrong for you as before I started growing a LOT of other members suggested them and have had great results.
My lesson learned the hard way this year:

corn meal on growing medium without air flow=you now have a gigantic ball of mold.
half a dozen seedlings had to die in a fire but I learned my lesson
Seriously though Sansoo, a really great way to learn something is by screwing up. The worse you screw up, the more it sticks. I'm sure you'll do much better next winter with what you've learnt.
I enjoy threads like this as I am able to take pointers from others and try not to fall victim to similar circumstances. I like learning from other people's mistakes. I know we need to make a few here and there but thank you for posting threads like this.
I've used the Jiffy pellets many times with success. The main thing is you cannot let them dry out. They will become as hard as stone and take forever to rehydrate. The only reason I don't use them now is I'm too cheap to buy more.

Good luck to you SanSoo.