Let the transplanting begin!

It has started. I didn't get a lot done but, some is better than none. There are soooooo many more to go.
Thanks Jerry. I don't know how 'pro' we are but, we plan on selling approx 10,000 starts this year. Not all peppers, of course :) Our market would never support that.
Jerry said:
Well, it's impressive and I know how much work that mades. Unbelievable. Do you sell chilis?
We sell live plants. Until we talk to our insurance guy, my wife is to afraid of liability issues to sell the fruit.
What are you growing? Annuum, chinense, baccatum, pubescens or wild species? Do you sell seeds too? Sorry for askin' so much but I'm curious. :)
Jerry said:
What are you growing? Annuum, chinense, baccatum, pubescens or wild species? Do you sell seeds too? Sorry for askin' so much but I'm curious. :)
No problem :)
Ummm...I don't really seperate by plant type :) Personally, I enjoy growing the super-hots, although my wife hates them.
Lemme see if I can remember what is out there right now:
Chocolate Ghost
Chocolate Habanero
Chocolate 7-Pot
Carolina Reaper
Scotch Bonnet
NuMex Twilight
Trinidad Scoprion
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Black Stinger Habanero
Flaming Icicle
Explosive Ember
Jamacian Hot Chocolate
Peter Peppers (yellow and red)
I think that is it. I am going to try saving and selling seed this year as well.
I understand your wife. ;) I don't like chinense anymore. I can't even stand the flavour anymore. I prefer annuum and frutescens. Mostly annuum. What I really like are Tepin.
That's what I'm growing this year, most of them germinated right now:
- Chil Tepin Amarillo
- Dwarf Chil Tepin
- Black Scorpion Tongue
- Lemon Drop
- Sibirischer Hauspaprika
- Madre de Rios
- Mayas Cayenne (from a Hot-Pain member)
- Blondröcken (also from a Hot-Pain member)
- one hot annuum from my vegetable kurd
- Joe's Long
- Aci Sivri
- Aji Cacho de Cabra
- Aji Cereza
Wow great looking plants and excellent setup!  Your pepper list looks real good.  I can relate to the wife perspective mine doesn't like anything about chili peppers even though she knows I am addicted!  Best of luck over there to you!!
FireEater101 said:
Wow great looking plants and excellent setup!  Your pepper list looks real good.  I can relate to the wife perspective mine doesn't like anything about chili peppers even though she knows I am addicted!  Best of luck over there to you!!
Thank you for the props.
The plants sell like mad. The peppers themselves, not so much. I guess it is like real estate, location, location, location. Hope the weather in your neck of the woods is being good to you.