Let's do a 7 Pot roundup

Hi All,
I've noticed bit of an increase in the number of chilli's that now seem to come as "choc" variety.
(Perhaps that's just me not being on the forums as much however :cry: )
It's got me thinking about my favourite chilli - the 7 pot.
Just for the sake of it, I thought I would have bit of a crack at the roundup of 7 pots out there:
the colours - red, yellow, orange, pink, burgundy, choc ("douglah"), brown, evergreen, rust, white
the phenotypes (did I get that right?) - jonah, defcon 7, daisycutter, brain strain
the regional sources - rennie, barrackpore, savannah, chaguanan
the simple hybrids (7 Pot x one other) - madballz, primo, bubblegum, savina 7, naga 7
the other hybrids (multiple crosses with the 7 Pot in there somewhere) - lucy, infinity + the multitude of others that I guess are too numerous to list here unless people want to chime in with their favourites or their own creations ?
Anything obvious missing ?
Nice thread. I have a massive aversion to 7 pots because of the amount of varieties all under the 1 name. I don't think I'll ever grow a single one.
Some pics of each variety would be a nice touch though
BORG 9 ((red 7 x yellow 7) x (naga x Douglah)) , Defcon 7, WAL 7 (butch T creation), SB7J (scotch Bonnet x Jonah 7) and a plethora more.
Borg 9 is an interesting name - I watched a video of a chap in the UK review the Brainfunk which from memory is Borg 9 x 7 Pot Brain Strain!
So that makes a five way cross? Where does it stop :shocked:
There is a lot of ambiguity as new crosses emerge and stabilize, and other varieties lose their "purity."  Pepper growing is so distributed and anarchic, it would probably be hard to keep a straight list and clear list beyond your own inventory.  There is also some ambiguity between some "scorpion" varieties and "7 Pots."
Here was a picture I did last year of some of my 7 Pots...by no means perfect.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Here was a picture I did last year of some of my 7 Pots...by no means perfect.
Beautiful picture of beautiful peppers! I love the color of the burgundy. That's one I really want to try. They all look delicious and extremely hot. Nice job!
7 pot red
7 pot brown
7 pot burgundy
7 pot white
7 pot yellow
7 pot orange
7 pot rust
7 pot green
brainstrain red
brainstrain yellow
chaguanas red
chaguanas yellow
douglah red
douglah brown
douglah yellow
primo red
primo orange
rennie red
rennie brown
butch x douglah
butch x  jonah
savina x 7 red
savina x 7 yellow
scotch bonnet x jonah (sb7j)
bhutlah brown (douglah x bhut)
bhutlah red (douglah x bhut)
nagalah (douglah x naga)
7JPN (pimenta de neyde x jonah)