show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

Oh yes, this thread has become truly maleficent!!!   Thank you all so much for your contributions.... I wish I had more to share this year, but I did not have as excellent a garden as I usually do, because we went on a fairly long vacation this summer.   I visited my neglected super-hot garden today and I saw some gnarly green pods on the vine!  Until they are ripe we will be forced to endure the ghastly sight of these fiends!
Bangalore Whippets Tail


MulchyDreams said:

Selected Choc Moruga Brains (Red Pheno) one of the best red's i've come across this season. And this is a Medium sized pod picked for lunch.
Your pics show up as broken links for me  :confused:
Its prolly my puter  :neutral:

F4 Bonnet/Reaper Hybrid. Felt pretty solid so I was rather worried but, despite the mass of placenta and glistening oil, it was no worse than a mild Ghost.
A mild Ghost that lingered at full strength on the lips for most of an hour, mind you.
Very flavourful, though like neither of its parents. More like fruit pith, with all the right floral notes and not too much else. Extremely strong smell and prety bold taste, too.
Assuming its brothers/sisters aren't massively superior, I'm saving these seeds for next season.
EDIT: Pretty sure you're seeing the effects of flash on oil there. The placenta was white IRL.