chinense Let's split hairs: Scorpions, Bhut Joolika, Naga Morich, Naga Dorset, Naga PC-1 etc..

Pc-1 is the only one thats totally different, the rest are likely very closely related maybe even the 7-pod too. The dorset naga was selectively bred from Naga Morich so they are from the same genetics but a little different. I can't tell which is hotter, they are all too hot for me. Its all Naga to me now too.
There's a "Naga Jolokia", also called PC-1, that is an annuum. It looks like a long slender cayenne with normal heat, just a regular market chile in India. The others are all chinenses and have been hyper-bred to be beyond hot!
I took some 7 pod, Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Jolokia, and Orange Hab powder into work for some blind taste testing. The three exotic powders were blisteringly hot (samples were tasted on the end of a tooth pick) definitely way hotter than Orange Habs. They all definitely have distinct flavours if you taste them in small quantities. Unaminously people thought the 7 pod was the hottest. Although it was slower to hit than the Bhut Jolokia the pain seemed to last much longer. Personally I find all three very very hot but the pain from the 7 pod is the longest lasting. I cant believe what a kick you can get off such a small BURNS!!!!!!!!:(
chuk hell said:
Where does the Trinidad Scorpion fall into this picture?

The nagas/bhuts are officially the hottest. The scorpions are deffinetly really close as per all the talk from people who have had them(with pictures). All of the fabled nuclear peppers are so close I wouldnt think anyone could tell a difference. Another thing is each pepper will have different levels of heat, even from the same plant. The 7pod looks like a naga to me, and is so rare few have even seen pictures of them, so im still undecided about it. But again from talk, the only pepper that seems to match naga/bhut is scorpions.
herne_the_hunter said:
I took some 7 pod, Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Jolokia, and Orange Hab powder into work for some blind taste testing. The three exotic powders were blisteringly hot (samples were tasted on the end of a tooth pick) definitely way hotter than Orange Habs. They all definitely have distinct flavours if you taste them in small quantities. Unaminously people thought the 7 pod was the hottest. Although it was slower to hit than the Bhut Jolokia the pain seemed to last much longer. Personally I find all three very very hot but the pain from the 7 pod is the longest lasting. I cant believe what a kick you can get off such a small BURNS!!!!!!!!:mouthonfire:

This 7 pod you're referring to is the same 7 pod that doesn't really exist & nobody has any seeds of?
{hint.hint grovel, beg}
The seven pod looks nothing like a naga, i have some green ones in the tunnel at the mo, it looks more like a hab but with "pimples".
Naga morich and dorset naga are the same and bih/bhut are longer peppers, all can have very different heat it all depends how they are grown.
So, I'm wondering how we could get the Chile Pepper Institute, or its equivalent, to compare them. The CPI has a way to make donations, or you can join the institute as a member with your dues supporting the institute. I doubt they take requests for research projects, though if there was enough public interest, they might dedicate some of their funding towards it.

And again with the so: So, perhaps we should pepper (heh!) them with questions about the relevant chilies, and join to make the money available. With a thousand members here, at $25 for an individual membership, we could fund our own research grant.

Yeah, ok, so I'm just dreaming...
i would be willing to bet that the research is already in the works. hot peppers/hot n spicy snacks are becomming very big business. just walk down the snack aisle in any grocery store in Dirt Town, USA for futher proof
koolguymike said:
of the newest super hots they only have the bhut jolikia. i plan on getting some for next year.

Yeah, but the catalog they have up is the 2007 one. Wonder what they'll have for 2008?

They won't have 7 Pod or Trinidad Scorpion or others in 2008 I presume. A member on another forum sent Paul Bosland seeds of every super hot variety several months ago (maybe not since new variations occur often).

I don't believe the person has received confirmation NMSU will be growing them all for testing. They had a sample of 7 Pod seed this year and tossed the plant due to a virus. They don't play around no matter how "rare" the variety is.

Oh, well, darn. I don't blame them for tossing a diseased plant, of course.

Maybe some day we'll have ons stop shopping for all the really hot varieties.
Hi. I've been looking for Trinidad Scorpion for a while now but with no luck. Even been emailing every seed supplier I come across. If any one has some I'd be really grateful...