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Light advice requested

I am new at this, never grown anything really indoors. I am thinking of grabbing myself a 3x2 grow tent and lights. I will not be installed fans or any heating/humidity control this year, just the tent and lights. I plan to grow several peppers from seeds to maturity, hoping for pepper harvests. With that in mind I am considering the following light options:



Which of these do you folks think would work best for my application?

So then at 18000 lumens needed, in my case, the t5 won't work and the HID is more than enough. If I go with the HID should I get 2 HPS (2100k),2 MH (4200k) or one of each?

Also, what is the 'fusion bright mini' option?
I went through this transition 3? years ago I think.  Here is my .02 from what I learned.
If it will fit, get a tent bigger than you think you need.  Your hobby will likely expand.  My 4 x 8 feels small now.
A tent will create a micro-climate that is largely dependent on its location.  
Stale moist warm / cold air breeds bad things.  I would highly suggest at least a cheap clip on fan. 
Lights produce heat.  In a closed environment that heat can build quickly.  Have a plan to evacuate extra heat - even if you don't implement it right away.  Watch it carefully until you understand this thermal cycle.
If the tent will be inside a heated/insulated room - you probably wont need a heater.  However, the tent will fluctuate between ~room temp and the temp it reaches with the light on.  Is that what you want?
Buy timers and temp sensors if possible/applicable.  Automate as much as possible.  What happens when you go on vacation?  
I've grown with T8, HID, and this is my first season trying LED.  I had great results with fluorescent but I didn't try it for fruiting.  My 1000W produced fruit with both MH and HPS bulbs.  However it was a thermal beast that required an inline fan.  I think even a small HPS would heat a 3 x 2 pretty quickly without a ducted exhaust fan.  I jumped at HID as the easy solution - not realizing the beast it was to operate. 
Also consider the circuit this will be on.  Is it wired safely and can it handle the extra load?
Not trying to discourage - just consider the whole picture and things will go much smoother.  Best of luck!!     