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Light/Dark Cycles

OK so plant out approaches.... Plants have been out in the sun for up to 5 hours the last few days and tomorrow longer. Been slowly hardening them over the last week. Today even with the bright sun nothing even hinted at yellow, so I feel they are pretty much ready.

My question is: They have been under 24 hour light non stop since sprouting and outside we are looking at just over 13 hours of daylight. Will going directly from 24 hour to 13 on and 11 off be bad for them?
To elaborate a bit on the other answers:

Plants' growth are based on how many of photons of PAR light hit them in a day. The best artificial lights have a factor of .000546, compared to the sun's .000713. Unless you are using very powerful lights (70,000 lux or more), your plants will get more photons of PAR light in 13 hours (at least on a sunny day) than they would spending 24 hours under artificial lights.
