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Lime Green leaves

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no pics until later tonight

a fair number of my chinese are looking lime green

plants are healthy......but not as dark as some of my others, including other chinese

plants are under 6500 lumen shop lights.....18 hours a day

they have been in solo cups with Ocean Forest, no ammendments, no added ferts....they have been in the solos 4-6 weeks at this point

watering is solid.....i wait until the plants tell me they need water......light top water, they get plenty of fan.....NOT overwatering, i've got that seemingly dialed in pretty well

plants look great......i checked some of my larger annuums/bacs and they weren't root bound in the solos......so i will assume the chinese are ok for now

should i be looking to feed them at this point? or the plants are healthy, decent sized at this point, have a beer and keep on keeping on?

will hopeully be able to get them some outside sun within the next 2-3 weeks......the plants look reasonable healthy, just the color is off

will get some pics later......initial thoughts?
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