• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Liquidjos 2012 GLOG

Hi! This will be my gf's and I first attempt at growing our own hot peppers. So im hoping all goes well, and we'll be able to give our families some quality spicy peppers. We started growing around mid-April(April 16 or 17). Started off with buying seeds from Hell Hot Products(ebay), a germination station, Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix, Miracle Gro Bloom Booster, distilled water. On the germination tray, i sowed them per row:

1st row: Naga Morich
2nd: Datil
3rd: Yellow Scotch Bonnet
4th: Butch T
5th: Jamaican Chocolate Habanero
and the 6th row was a mixed bag of the leftover seeds. And basically followed these instructions to germinate the seeds: http://www.ecoseeds.com/Pepper.growing.tips.html.

After the first 7 days I had 50% of the seeds germinating. It was mostly the Datil , NM, and scotch bonnet that had sprouted, maybe a couple Butch T's and and JCH here and there.

Then I decided to transplant the sprouted seedlings into styrofoam cups filled with the MG potting soil and started watering with just distilled water. I put half on a window sill with lots of sunshine all day, and the rest in a mylar lined cooler, with a utility light(6500k grow bulb) right beside them inside the cooler. I left the unsprouted seeds in tray station. After 5 days another 20-25% sprouted. Transplanted those and put them in my poormans light setup. Maybe 4-5 days ago I decided to bring the seedlings out from under the artificial lights because I was losing plants fast, the stems were turning purple, and put them out to harden off so they can join their buddies on the window sill. As a matter of fact, the seedlings that were outside getting natural sunlight looked healthier than the others. Two days after I started noticing alot of leaf curl and stems that were a neon purple. Which brings to today. Im sitting around reading THP forums, and read a couple post where they talk about repotting damaged plants, and thats what I did to the seedling that looked like they were not gonna make it. I added vermiculite to the MG potting soil and transplanted the injured/damaged into that mix. We'll see how that goes. Here are some pics:



Datil seedlings




Camera Phone pics


Ghetto Setup

Scotch Bonnett

Butch T

I'll keep you all posted of any changes, good or bad. Hopefully good.
LOL ...I guess I did kinda write the glog with alot of 'intensity'. Hopefully 6-7 months from now I'm able to post some pics of some beautiful pods...
Yes. I made sure I punched big round holes on the bottoms of each cup for drainage. When should I start seeing a difference in the seedlings I transplanted into the new soil? I just put them on the front porch where it will be shaded up until 12:30 pm.
Here is a quick update on the pepper plants, and also some pics of a couple plants showing some leaf spotting, almost looks like the leaves have chicken pox. Most of the plants are doing fine, but its only after i fed them some MG bloom booster flower food(15-30-15)that 4-5 plants have developed these yellowish/brownish spots on its leaves, and upward leaf curling, and seems like its spreading to the rest of the plants. This morning I also noticed these small slow moving dark flies flying around the plants(some sort of gnat?)...could it be that the gnat droppings are causing these burn patches on the leaves. Any help would be appreciated thanks....





Hey, liquidjos! I responded to your thread about the spots.
As for the purple stems, I'm not sure that is bad. I see purple
stems on some of mine as well. As long as the cotys and
leaves look healthy, I don't think it's a problem.

Others on the forum can probably tell you more about this.
I thought the starts looked pretty good.
In the first set of pics, it looks like you have 3 of your Butch T's growing really close together in the same pot. You might want to think about separating them out before the roots get tangled?
Best of luck with your grow :)
@Nee..Thanks..Yeah, those are pictures from last month, and since then I've separated them and repotted them individually....But whats really concerning are the burnt spots on the leaves...Should I let the soil dry up, then hit it with an insecticidal spray, or just go ahead and repot with another brand of soil?...Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated...Thanks
UPDATE: On 06/15/12, I transplanted to bigger pots and brand new soil that I got through a barter deal. Theyre doing great, after a day or two of transplant shock, but rebounded nicely....Here are a couple of pics:

This one went into shock after transplant, came back , but seems like it burned the new foliage coming out of the center



After all the trial and errors, one of my 30 plants left over from the 72 I sowed back in May has begun to flower...Check out the pics:




more pics of the flowering plant...cant make out what it is...naga? butch T?....but by the way it looks, with all those pimply bumps, im guessing its nuclear!...
The last watering i gave it, i mixed in some Age Old Organics Age Old Bloom 5-10-5, maybe it'll increase the yield..




