Found this guy on my orange Hab while spraying for aphids. Kinda got him with the safer soap and hope I don't kill him.
imaguitargod said:This is how it always starts. At first you are all like "Ohhhh! Pritty" then it's like, "Oh neat! There's more of them".
Then you wake up in the middle of the night to find out that you have been tied down to you bed and they are feasting on you children!!!!!!!
peppermanbaha said:ok Iggy just step away from the Naga Coffee for a second. And take slow deep breaths.
imaguitargod said:I'monmy6thcupinaspanofanhour.Ican'topenmyhandtoputthecoffeemug downismyheatsupposedtobebeatingthisfast?
Novacastrian said:you left the "r" outta heart silly! I don't know how fast it's spost be goin.
RichardK said:Iggy, they are in cahoots with the spiders! Where do you think they got the string?