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Live Plants

Hello all,
I did not see an area specific to live plants so I thought to ask here.
On the Bhut Jolokia, what would you expect to pay for live Bhut Jolokia Seedling ?
,if you could find them.
guaranteed Certified Pure Bhut Jolokia {grown from seed produced indoors,under lights and hand pollenated...}
No chance for any cross pollination.
I will have some ready for the local farmers market in about a month and wanted to get an open opinion for a fair market value
,feel free to chime in and let me know how you feel.

Ive seen them listed from $3.00 us up to 15 euros each
seed is .50cents each and up...from what I have seen from the certified seed producers...
Please do not compare to Ebay,as we all know they have no guarantees to what you will get.

cheezydemon said:
Any of those prices sound fair. I wouldn't buy from e-bay or a non professional if you are so concerned with purity.
thank you cheezydemon,
yes I am concernd with purity,
simple because anything less will not produce a pure seed .
which is my goal eventually to obtain
Pure Seed Producer Certification from NMSU.
thanks again for your time

it seems to me that chileheads will pay what ever price is necessary for pure strain world class plants...I know if I were closer I dern sure would.....

the problem you may have is most people don't know a Bhut Jalokia from a hole in the ground...it may help you to print out some literature on the Bhuts when you offer them for sale and let the people read about what they are really getting for 3 bucks...maybe make you a poster with large print to make it readily visible to prospective customers.......

Where'd it move to?........:P:...
AlabamaJack said:
it seems to me that chileheads will pay what ever price is necessary for pure strain world class plants...I know if I were closer I dern sure would.....

the problem you may have is most people don't know a Bhut Jalokia from a hole in the ground...it may help you to print out some literature on the Bhuts when you offer them for sale and let the people read about what they are really getting for 3 bucks...maybe make you a poster with large print to make it readily visible to prospective customers.......
hey aj
no worries man,your on the list ,when i get this second batch of seed ill send you some ,you can do a nice grow from those i think.
still dont know when i'll be around dfw yet ,but if i get a date nailed down ill let you know.

well in my area they are well known ,but not widely grown due to seed costs and availabilty. Im gonna fix that problem.
this seed i grow dont really like dry weater,it prefers a more subtropical climate,so it will take a few generations of selective breeding of early outdoor plants. I think around your area they would love the humid weather outdoors.
down around tyler and jacksonville would be even better.
Jacksonville is the place to get some of the finest heirloom tomatoes too,since they use to be The Tomato Capital of the USA and maybe the world at one time,they still grow some great plants.


I would check around on what is needed to claim certification. It's one thing to sell Guaranteed Bhut Jolokia on e-bay and to sell it to someone personally. I don't know the rules but in doing some work on setting up a Farmers Market, some of the things vendors have to do if they are selling "organic produce" is not print out a piece of paper. Remember, if you sell plants and mail them across state lines, the Feds can check you out.

I don't think most people at a farmer's market will be willing to pay more for something certified, but you may get some extremers if you market it well with some flashy signs and stats.
wordwiz said:

I would check around on what is needed to claim certification. It's one thing to sell Guaranteed Bhut Jolokia on e-bay and to sell it to someone personally. I don't know the rules but in doing some work on setting up a Farmers Market, some of the things vendors have to do if they are selling "organic produce" is not print out a piece of paper. Remember, if you sell plants and mail them across state lines, the Feds can check you out.

not a problem,the university does all that before they issue the certification.
Pure Seed Certification requires germination above 77% and DNA testing.
the requirements can be found here.
as far as the feds are concerned,that wont be a problem
I wont be shipping live plants anywhere,just have them for seasonal local growers,anything connected with seed will be well tested and certified by NMSU,not just a claim on the internet.
I was just curious what the general concensus would be for a live plant seedling at a local market would be worth.
In case no one has noticed Walmart sells Jalapenos for 3 to 5 each in one gallon pots so Id say at least that for my seedlings
as for organic ,it dont apply to me.
No need for me to start a farmers market,they have one well established open to local farmers.

thanks man

I don't think most people at a farmer's market will be willing to pay more for something certified, but you may get some extremers if you market it well with some flashy signs and stats.
they will if they want them
mudatvs said:
These are great people and they have a wide selection. They also sell a wide selection of Tomato and Eggplant plants. I think most if not all of their plants sell for $3.00 per plants and they are reasonable on the shipping.
thanks man,
but i would not buy a live plant from mail order,since we have two greenhouses at the farm and the small one is set up for seedling/germination.
do they sell GreenHouse seed?
I havent seen any on their site.
the tomatoes we grow in the GH are expensive Dutch Hybrid seed specific for commercial GH production @ 76.oo for 250 seeds...not what youd put in the outdoor garden for sure.
Grace,Favorita and Trust Tomato seed
the cucumber Discover seed sells for about the same ,maybe a bit more.
outdoor seed does not do well in a GH ,at least not well enough to make any money with it.

thanks for the reply

pablo said:
thanks man,
GH production @ 76.oo for 250 seeds...not what youd put in the outdoor garden for sure.

S***! that's over 30 cents a seed.....they must be massive producers....
AlabamaJack said:
S***! that's over 30 cents a seed.....they must be massive producers....

hi aj,
ya man,if they are grown to full potential,80 lbs + per plant can be expected X 500 = 40,000 pounds or about 20 tons of tomatoes and that dont include the 1100 strawberry plants too,so it can be a massive job when harvest begins,also we are doing about an acre of drip tape for outdoor produce of different types

come on down and ill let you pick some tomatoes this season

pablo said:
come on down and ill let you pick some tomatoes this season

I'd probably eat till I puked...I love fresh tomatoes right off the vine....pure heaven...but then again the best thing is to pick a ripe tomato and a ripe jalapeno and take a bite of each...now that's what I'm talkin' about