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misc Local Halal shop Scotch Bonnet grow.............

Hi Guy's

My local halal shop here in Scotland is great for spices they have some fresh produce imported Indian and Pakistani vegetables and chillies they never have fresh bhut jolokia or Naga but they do have a box labled "Scotch bonnet "

Having pretty much only grown annunm's and a few Naga last year I've no idea what these things are ?? Are they Scotch bonnet ?? Or are they a Red Habanero of some kind ? Are they pure ?? Or are they some kind of commercial hybrid ?

They are hot and they are tasty and 2 or 3 make a mean Jamaican goat curry (Red deer) :beer:

End of last year whilst making a "curry Goat" I kept a few seeds from a particularly plump juicy pod ........one thing lead to another next thing I've a small tub few of seedlings !


I've kept two seedlings and potted them up plan is to grow one out myself and give one to a friend to grow out only thing is the fact I don't know what it is is driving me crazy !! I do like my Latin names with house plant's.........but .........:crazy:

Anyway im in for the long haul now here's a pic I just took in the greenhouse at 13 oC.......... frost tonight so it will be coming in..................


My halal shop scotch bonnet...........as of today ...........

Among pepper enthusiasts (and Ministries of Agriculture ๐Ÿ˜‰), โ€œscotch bonnetโ€ is a lot more specific than it is in common usage, especially in its own territory. If you buy 20 island-produced sauces which list scotch bonnet as their pepper, youโ€™ll probably find more than half are red, not yellow.

Additionally, the cup and saucer shape doesnโ€™t seem to be insisted on โ€” practically speaking, many islands use scotch bonnet, bonney, etc as generic for whatever spicy chinense is sold locally. Even a specific-sounding name like Bonda Ma Jacques is only specific to us enthusiastsโ€ฆ in the French Antilles, where it was collected, the term is (among other spellings) bondamanjak, and is again generic for spicy chinense.

So, itโ€™s a good idea to adopt a very liberal attitude toward what a pepper name signifies and to whom. Iโ€™d say thereโ€™s no reason to think the name as labeled is inaccurate.
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Good luck on your grow!! Regardless of what they actually are, I'm sure it'd be great to save and collect seeds from them. Also, thank you for supporting a local Muslim business. :]
Good for you. That is awesome! Beautiful plant. I love the Scotch Bonnet. Iโ€™m growing some varieties this year as well. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
Hi Guy's

An update on my Halal shop scotch/habanero..................its currently covered in buds and putting out loads of side branches :party:

However its a month older than my orange habanero paper lantern habanero both of which are in flower hopefully it will make up for this with production,heat and flavour......well that's the hope ๐Ÿคž


Halal shop scotch bonnet/habanero in its final 5 litre pot lots of buds and soon to flower.


Lots of buds .........:thumbsup: it recently survived an infestation of green fly lucky a shift application of diluted neem oil and soap applied every day for a few days sorted it out.

It's quite exciting to see what it produces.......๐Ÿ™‚



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Hi Guy's

My Halal shop red scotch bonnet saved seed experiment in a 5 litre / 1.3 gallon pot has had its ups and downs........times I thought just scrap it ! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ times I thought it might be worth while and times I was back to forgetting the whole thing and make room for a more trusted/ known variety........๐Ÿ˜—

Goes to show you should never be too hasty ! Even when it started to pod up .....I'm not a fan of "smooth" shiny skinned chillies and it fell from favour yet again.........but having invested so much time I decided to see it through.

And I have to say I'm very glad I did for the following reasons

Firstly it appears to be true to type of it's parent ๐Ÿ˜€ I was worried it was some kind of commercial F1 hybrid !

It's deeply ridged folds makes up the smooth shinny skin, I find it aesthetically pleasing ๐Ÿ˜Š

It has a nice flavour and good heat is quite firm and has a thicker wall than others of my scotch bonnet varieties ๐Ÿ‘

Lastly even In it's little ity bity 5 litre / 1.3 gallon pot it produced a good number and good sized pod's ! ๐Ÿ˜Ž I've known proven varieties in the same size pots for comparison that pod's are way smaller !! And less productive all in all I'm glad I stuck with it and I shall be saving seeds and plan to grow it next season in much larger pot possibly in kratky or both.


Given it was grown in 5 litre I'm very happy with the pod's size ๐Ÿ˜€ it shows potential when grown in 5 gallons.


Nice meaty pod's firm with plenty of seeds ๐Ÿ˜‹


My friend says they look alot like the Antillais caribbean habanero ? What you guy's think ๐Ÿค” I forgot to say its growth style in its little 5 litre pot is almost identical to my chocolate scotch bonnet from white hot peppers.


Identical shape, size and structure like peas in a pod !

Goes to show it can be worth carrying out such capers ๐Ÿ™‚
