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Location means everything for peppers doesn't it?

I have the best soil I feel one could possibly mix for many vegetables and yet my peppers are less than 1/2 the size of some of the growers on here in other states where the weather is better for peppers. I envy you in GA and other states where your peppers grow like weeds. Here in the San Francisco Bay area the weather is just not as good for peppers obviously. Other plants do great but peppers are slow.
I hear ya, But even location is subject to off weather. We are getting an unusually wet and cool summer. the only thing that is ignoring the weather is my brown moruga in the brute. Everything else is in a state of limbo.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I say too much attention = small peppers, like watching water boil ;)
i am more inclined to go with this, cause i am up in canada and the weather is lower then usual and been rainy, but on those sunny days my plants seem to grow, i took pictures on the 19th and then again on the 25th, they are in my glog if you want to check, all i did was leave them alone and take them out of the rain when i could, today the temp got up to 88, but its been around mid 70's to low 80's for a while and dropping down to 50's at night, ive got flowers now as well
dash 2 said:
Right now it may be too cool where you live, but I bet growers in the southern US will be wishing they had your weather in a couple of weeks.
What do you mean? Why would we complain about 95-105 degree temps w/ 85-95% humidity? Why would we complain about getting covered in sweat walking from the back door to the garden 15-20 ft away?why would we complain about having to water twice a day if it doesn't rain, or worry about shading when it gets 100+ for several days in a row, or swamping out the plants when it does rain, cuz it rains several inches in a few hours? Why in the world would we complain about any of that?
chile_freak said:
What do you mean? Why would we complain about 95-105 degree temps w/ 85-95% humidity? Why would we complain about getting covered in sweat walking from the back door to the garden 15-20 ft away?why would we complain about having to water twice a day if it doesn't rain, or worry about shading when it gets 100+ for several days in a row, or swamping out the plants when it does rain, cuz it rains several inches in a few hours? Why in the world would we complain about any of that?
that sounds like my kind of place man!!!!! better then sub-zero temps, barely getting above 50 in the spring and fall, hovering around 80 in the summer. ugh i hate living in the frigid north!!! bring on the heat and humidity!!  your winter is my summer damn it lol  close but it gets warm here was 89 today 
chile_freak said:
What do you mean? Why would we complain about 95-105 degree temps w/ 85-95% humidity? Why would we complain about getting covered in sweat walking from the back door to the garden 15-20 ft away?why would we complain about having to water twice a day if it doesn't rain, or worry about shading when it gets 100+ for several days in a row, or swamping out the plants when it does rain, cuz it rains several inches in a few hours? Why in the world would we complain about any of that?
You forgot the mosquitos. Man they're bad this year.
Well here in Michigan we also have the weirdest weather and the low gets down to mid 50's at night many nights and peppers grow like crazy here , from what I have witnessed anyways....my neighbor seems to have the green thumb or just lucky ...but I hear ya on seeing some others with much bigger plants, I live next door to someone with bigger plants lol
dash 2 said:
I'm sorry, man. You got nothin'...
^ True.
edit: Sorry, PMD. But if this is a threadjack, we're gonna do it right.
in ontario i o lol thats where i am.    and dont forget, if there's a skeeter on yer peter WACK it off!
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I say too much attention = small peppers, like watching water boil ;)
I water them once a week Joyner and that's it. I wouldn't call that much attention. :rofl:
dash 2 said:
     Just checked your forecast. That sucks. Low 50s at night doesn't help anything. Do you grow any pubescens?
I believe so Dash as I have 16 varieties. I would have to look up what is what as I did not update my grow list this year.
  The day and night temps are just one aspect of what it takes to grow peppers and how fast. There are a good many members with equal to worse temps that have no problem getting large plants and pepper pods. I for one am having the best growth ever from all my plants both in and out of the greenhouse. Why is simple as I have proved it to myself already, soil mix and fertilizer with mycorrhizal. I am now using only natural organic based fertilizer after starting the first 6 weeks using liquid chemical ones. I went from about 2 to 4 inches of growth a week to 6 to 12 inches growth a week since the switch. My tallest serrano pepper plant ever before was about 3 feet including overwintered ones, my two now are already close to that and showing no signs of stopping. Each has 50 or more peppers on them right now with another 50 or more flowers.
 So each of our locations to grow peppers has pluses and minuses and we just have to figure out which are the minuses so we can improve them for our plants. For some our location gives us heat, others it is water/moisture and still others natural fertile good soil for them or a very long growing season. 

I would personally think with the drought Cali is having that once a week watering is to little. Lush growth requires water to make, I myself have been watering two to three times a week deeply with a light watering on the days it goes over a 100 in the greenhouse.
Man what I would do with 2-4 inches of growth a week right now...does the OP or anyone think that location has anything to do with flavor etc of peppers? Probably a dumb question lmao