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Long and Yellow, Not Very Lemon

Got handed these babies by a chilli friend who, in turn, found them at a local market, neither of which had any idea what they were. It's been suggested that they're lemon drops but, given the minimal amount of lemon flavour they contain, I can't believe they would have made the lemon drop sauces I've had.

They're long, thin, yellow and ever so slightly curled. Flavourwise they're mostly raw yellow pepper with just the tiniest hint of lemonness, maybe. Heatwise, the bottom is just noticeable, while the top 3rd (the bit that actually contains seeds and placenta) steadily grows with height until it's nearly hab level. Sadly, with the heat comes bitterness, making them quite unpleasant IMO. The skin is not spectacularly thick but strong and perhaps what you might call waxy, making it very difficult to chop into a salad and, IMO, not worth the effort.
Still, I'm very curious as to what they actually are.
Agree with those above - most likely golden cayenne and lemon drop chiles don't taste lemony like the citrus fruit. If you had a sauce that truly tasted lemony, most likely the maker used lemon citrus fruit in addition to lemon drop chiles.