Long time lurker

Hello everyone!  I joined way back in 2011 but haven't posted yet, so I thought I'd rectify that.
I've been a pepperhead and grower since the early 1970's, wow how things have changed since then!  I also do my share of struggling with tomatoes and growing other garden goodies.  I'm convinced tomatoes start dying, stressing over the weather, attracting diseases and inviting pests (insect and otherwise) the moment the seeds sprout.  Peppers are so much more willing to please.   :)
The garden is starting to put out the peppers so I'll be posting pictures soon.  In the meantime I'll see you all in the forums!
One of my orange Fatalii peppers:
:welcome:  back from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
:welcome: from NW Arkansas.  I post 800x600 images (when I remember to resize) and nobody complains.  That looks about like what you have there.