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Longest time to sprout

This is my sixth year year growing Chiles from seed. Time will tell whether I've had an awful germination percentage, or if everything took a long time to sprout. What I do know so far, is that varieties that normally take 7 to 10 days to sprout and never take more than 2 weeks, are taking much longer. This morning, one of my Open Pollinated Aji Cerezas that was put in soil on March 19th, just sprouted. That was 40 days ago and is a record for me.

I'm curious. For all THP members, what is the longest time that is has taken one of your seeds to sprout and what was the variety?
I havent had anything take longer then 2 or 3 weeks with the exeption of some chocolate hab seeds I tried to germinate last yr. Everything else had sprouted and I was still waiting at the 3 week mark. The seeds looked old and were from an ebay member. So I threw them out. Last yr was my first yr growing and I didnt know any better about buying seeds on ebay.
My Bhut Jolokia plant was sown on 10/10/11 and took almost a month to pop. Now it's re-vegging for its second year of production. Call me crazy, but superhots in general always take longer to germ for me.
Trinidad Scorpion Sweet - sowed Feb. 13th this year, came up on April 22nd for a total of 68 days. I got one lot of seeds from a vendor and sowed the whole package on Feb 13th (20 seeds). After 40 days and no seedings, I contacted the seller and he immediately put another package of seeds in the mail for free (40 seeds this time). I sowed 25 of the new seeds and had 20 seedlings within 20 days. He told me both lots of seeds were from last years harvest and I used identical conditions for both sets of seeds.
I have had super hots, take 5-6 weeks on average to germinate, used a heating pad under my seed tray this year in effort to speed it up, but no luck.
I've used a heating pad for all seeds the last couple years, it does help germ rates, but I'm not so sure it speeds things up. If they're gonna sprout, they'll do it when they're ready.
I'm not giving up on any of the unsprouted seeds, but with my short growing season, there may be stuff that I will not be able to transplant this year. Hopefully, I'll be able to sell or give away that stuff.
Chiltepin took 3-4 weeks to germ this year. A couple years ago I had Bhut seeds from NMSU that took 4 weeks for the first one to pop, and another 2 weeks before the last one sprouted.