• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

Look what landed in my garden...

To my surprise this morning, when going to out to do my morning garden routine, from a distance saw this Tucan... wth.
My neighbor, she is an artist and loves my peppers. After hearing me complain about furry critters digging in my containers, she painted up this bird to scare them away. Had to take a closer look before I realized what it was... lol
Thanks guys....
DontPanic said:
I'd be interested to know how you think it's working after a while.
I'm always on the lookout for tips and tricks to keep the squirrels at bay.
Well, hard to tell, but haven't had anymore digging in my containers on that rack of peppers.
So it seems to be helping. Maybe a big owl might be even better..?
podz said:
Didn't know squirrels liked peppers, never bothered mine.
The nutters don't actually eat the peppers, they just have some ocd habit of digging viciously in the containers. Not 100% sure why. Maybe to hide a nut, or look for a nut other squirrels might have buried..? But they all seem to be eager to dig in my containers. And even though they don't dig very deep, they scatter media/mulch out of the pots, and expose/disturb/rip the top of the roots in some containers.
podz said:
Didn't know squirrels liked peppers, never bothered mine.
Mostly, the squirrels bother me when I first get my plants in the ground.  They're constantly attracted to digging up my plant beds.
Once my plants get to a certain size, they're not as much of a menace.  It's too much work to dig around an established root ball.
But they can't seem to resist digging around in loose dirt.  It drives me crazy the first few weeks of plant-out.
I sprinkle bloodmeal in my low pots, so that's probably why the squirrels never harass. The stuff is meant to keep the rabbits out and that it does.
The beauty of having way more dried hot pepper than I can use is it makes a pretty good critter deterant. If you scatter enough around the area raccoons,rabbits ,skunks and squirrels don't take long to learn to avoid that spot.

I even mix into the bird feeder seed , since birds lack the receptors to detect capsaicin.

That red stuff is reaper powder just before I shook it up to refill the feeders.

If didn't take long for the squirrels to avoid those I tell ya.

I might have to give that blood meal a try if I can't score a Tucan.  I've got some variety of critter that has developed a taste for my peppers.