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Look What the Mail Lady Brought

I've been a fan of my mail lady for quite some time now as she's always bringing me goodies. Today was no exception. In fact today was one of the better days.

I had totally forgot about this one too. Dawned on me what it was a few seconds after I opened the box, the aroma was unmistakable. Peppers, smoky peppers to be exact. I let my nose enjoy the moment.

Here's the care package I received from a very generous guy.


A bag full of smoked chocolate Bhut Jolokia's, four nice and ripe fresh Bhut Jolokia's, two fresh chocolate B.J.'s along with a fresh caramel B.J., a red Douglah cross and a shaker full of dehydrated smoked chocolate B.J. flakes.

So with that I'd like to thank ThePepperGrowingMan for his generosity. I've been saying it for a while and this just proves it again, pepper people are some of the best.
Those bhuts may look huge because ThePepperGrowingMan grows the Giant Bhut Jolokia from the seeds he bought from Pepper Joes.

Not sure if those are the Giants, but he grew quite a few of them last year and was planning on doing the same this year as well.

Those bhuts may look huge because ThePepperGrowingMan grows the Giant Bhut Jolokia from the seeds he bought from Pepper Joes.

Not sure if those are the Giants, but he grew quite a few of them last year and was planning on doing the same this year as well.


Yes, those bhuts are from my own saved seeds which originated from the pepper joe giant bhut. They didn't perform this year like they did last in terms of size but still have plenty at 4 - 4.5+ inches. Weather was a real killer this year and didn't help them that's for sure.

Patrick enjoy the heat and let me know if you notice a difference in taste between the caramel and chocolate bhuts.

I love pepper people. This is the best damn forum on the whole wide interweb! Generosity seems to be a trait of pepper people. Enjoy your goodies, I am sending out some care packages today to some people with zero access to all this fine flavor.

Wow! Our mail ladies must be on the same wavelength because my mailbox looked almost identical to yours! The Giants are indeed giants. Finished editing my taste test and I'll let you know when the vid is up. You will definitely enjoy them!
I love pepper people. This is the best damn forum on the whole wide interweb! Generosity seems to be a trait of pepper people. Enjoy your goodies, I am sending out some care packages today to some people with zero access to all this fine flavor.

Hope they make it. Did you pick some close to readies?
Patrick, ThePepperGrowingMan brought smiles from coast to coast! :) I sure was happy too!!! The Caramel Bhut Jolokia is STUNNING!! I just love the difference in the inside of the chocolate vs. caramel strains. So neat.




I'll let you know if I notice any flavor differences on the chocolate and the caramel B.J.'s TPGM. Probably tonight. I popped them into the fridge after ogling them for a while so they're fine, still nice and firm. I was thinking about nacho's with the game and what better way to sample them?

Looking great Chris. Have you tried the caramel one yet? I really hope they can be reproduced as I love the color.
I'd love to have a box like that show up in my mail box, next years growing season can't get here soon enough so I can try some of these beauties you guys like to show off for my self. Awesome stuff!