Peach Bhut
Butch Ts
7 Pot Burgundy -PRIORITY-
7 Pod Barrackpore -PRIORITY-
Choc Scorp
Trinidad Perfume -PRIORITY-
HP22B All Strains
HP22B x Fatalii
Hot Banana Pepper
Dorset Naga
7 Pot Bubblegum
Yellow Scorp Cardi
MORE Brain Strain RED and YELLOW
So a member will be trustworthy for at least 4 months, the time it would take to get a little crop or at least a look at the maturing peppers. If you could grow year round.
So you would hold any seeds until you make that verification personally?
He is making a valid point Valin....You've been a member for A little over a month. I don't think you could possibly know the seeds you are getting are pure. Or have a very good indication of who is trustworthy or not.
He is making a point as for you to not throw around loose statements that cannot be backed up by fact or experience. (as in you jus got these seeds and haven't even had a chance to grow them yet to confirm or deny your statement) As to not tarnish your reputation....
I'm not taking a side with members, I am taking the side of facts and evidence. All he did was ask you to respond with some validity to your statement above.
I've gotten seeds from members that didn't grow true. That doesnt make them untrustworthy. Mistakes happen and some people honestly don't know. There are not many untrustworthy members on this forum....I know this from experience...