hahaha, i can see where youre coming from, cause they are hot af. but yeah i was eating them whole. with food. eat all my super hots that way. havent cooked with any chilis yet. other than salsas. man i got this real good salsa, using a handful of superhots. as soon as i figure out how to put it in a sfrb, will do some sort of giveaway. wanted to do a video with a group of my brothers and nephews but pepperlover ran out of fresh brown moruga. we'll see, will have to do'em with another pepper. anyway sorry to get off the topic.KingChile said:cooking with it?......takes super human strength to just eat a fresh pod and when someone tells me they ate a whole one or eat them regularly without video i tend to not believe
i eat like 1/4 of one and GO nuts!!....and i eat superhots regularly as in cooking with them lol