spirits Looking for a 100% Rye recipe

This web site http://homedistiller.org/grain/wash-grain/mashingseems to suggest that the trick is to use enzymes to convert the starch in your grains to sugar before you ferment. It goes into detail and makes me think that other pages on the same domain could be very helpful. At the end of the page it talks about ginger being a good source of one of the enzymes you might want to convert starch to sugar.
Way back in the 80's I did my own mash. Take the rye and soak for 24 hours, then lets sprout till the shoot reaches the other end, then it has the sugars and you can process it. DOnt know if things have changed nowadays but thats been around for centuries :)
dragonsfire said:
Way back in the 80's I did my own mash. Take the rye and soak for 24 hours, then lets sprout till the shoot reaches the other end, then it has the sugars and you can process it. DOnt know if things have changed nowadays but thats been around for centuries :)
What was the ABV?