I am in search of a co-packer. I will have tons of questions first and will not be ready to produce until feb. or march. I want to get the rest of my paperwork done first. Also would like to find one willing to ask me questions about thingsw I am to new in this business to think about. I've been searching the internet but the companies I find consider a small run around 300 gallons!
(Something like that.) I wnat to test my product first and don't want to fill my livingroom with boxes.
Been reading lots of papers on how to pick one, one problem I see for me is the part about touring the facility (All agree this is very important, I see their point.) I live in the middle of nowhere, and I still have a day job. I don't have the the frequent flyer mile to cash in to take a bunch of trips all over and I don't have the vacation time either. I can handle two or so. Do co-packers have a problem in telling potential clients about their other clients so I can contact them and ask questions?

Been reading lots of papers on how to pick one, one problem I see for me is the part about touring the facility (All agree this is very important, I see their point.) I live in the middle of nowhere, and I still have a day job. I don't have the the frequent flyer mile to cash in to take a bunch of trips all over and I don't have the vacation time either. I can handle two or so. Do co-packers have a problem in telling potential clients about their other clients so I can contact them and ask questions?