wanted Looking for a few various seeds

Okay, I'll make this short and to the point. I plan on starting plants for next season in september and there's a few varieties I'd like to try out; I have a VERY limited growing area outdoors, so I prefer to grow ones that aren't exactly widely common place.
7 Pot Primo
Jay's Ghost Scorpion (Peach)
White Bhut
I'll paypal to cover getting the seeds to me. Anyone able to oblige?
If someone decides to, they are welcome to include a SASE/BE and a few baggies and I'll send them any of the following:
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (seeds directly from pods from Butch T)
Chocolate Bhut 
Peach Bhut (plant came from Brian at ghostpepperstore)
7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow (plant came from Brian at ghostpepperstore)
7 Pot Burgundy (plant came from Brian at ghostpepperstore)
Bhut Red (plant came from Brian at ghostpepperstore)
7 Pot Brainstrain Red (seeds will have to wait a bit longer, waiting on first pods still since plant was started in march)
I know, nothing too terribly exciting, just trying to get an early start on next season. If you can help, let me know what you got (although I'd really love to find someone who can do all 3 to save on costs). The plants from Brian I have been hand pollinating, so the seeds SHOULD be pure, but with the plants growing on my back patio you can never be 100% sure.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I have all 3, waiting to see if my Jay's Peach turns peach but already have white bhuts ripe and seed stock for Primo and white bhuts. How many you need of each?
Honestly, just like 5-10 of each would suffice (just in case I end up with bad luck germinating). To make it worth your time (since I KNOW your powders are the bomb), I'll happily place an order for an ounce of something (pm me a list of what you have available and pricing). I recently ran out of the last 2 ounces you sent me anyway. 
If you want to wait a few weeks the types of powder I have will be off the chain! Just remind me and we will work something out so you can start by Sept.