looking for a hot sweet pepper..

i'm looking for a mildish/hot sweet pepper to grow next year.
perhaps like a jalapeno, but definitely not hotter.. meaty too.
i was at stop and shop today and saw they had some red cherry sweet peppers which were pretty mild which i liked. don't think they are a hybrid so i saved some of the seeds to grow them.

anyone have suggestion or perhaps a seed or two they can share?
Aji Cristal is a good variety, as are almost all the baccatuums. In general, they are the fruitiest of the chile types. I've candied aji cristals and they are absolutely delicious this way. I've also pureed them and used in drinks and, of course, just eaten them as-is. They have about the heat of a jalapeño. Cross Country Nurseries (chileplants.com) sells seeds and plants, or there may be others on this site willing to share or swap.
SavinaRed said:
Bishops Crown is delicious, fruity,sweet with the right amount of heat. If I had to only pick one pepper under a 100,000 sku it would be this pepper.
I'm waiting for my Aji Pineapple to ripen to see if I like it better.
Definitely Bishops Crown are one of my favourites as well as hot banana peppers. Last week I made a pineapple sauce with these two and chocolate scorpions all mixed and it was fantastic. If youre looking for something with a heat equal to a jalapeño definitely chocolate scorpions are not your choice but ive discovered they are pretty good peppers and quite prolific
fresno can have a nice sweetness if you let them ripen enough. i don't grow them anymore because they are readily available here year round. i do occassionly grow bishop crown, if i have room.
good luck.