recipe-help looking for a killer sauce Recipe !

I am looking for a good and different sauce recipe. Needs to have a lot of flavor as I will be adding super hot peppers to the sauce.can anyone help me please ?
Guess no one has a good recipe to share :-(

Looking for a good sauce Recipe that has a lot of flavor as I will be adding super Hot peppers to it can any one help ?
Lots of em on here just do a search. Walkgood just made a couple different sauces that look absolutely killer if you check out his glog.
Nice recipe PD. mines not as layered but highlights what you've brought to the table.
Supers, halved, into small pot. Distilled white vin, half cup per pound to start. Heat. Stir.
Once soft add salt and blitz. Salt and vin to taste and consistency. Balance the flavors
Right and ppl will be begging you for more. If u really wanna get creative and still keep
your true flavor, SMOKE!
I am looking to put some brown Douglahs,reapers,Morugas,primos and ghost peppers in the sauce but it will need to have lots of flavor and be a little sweet.
insain said:
I am looking to put some brown Douglahs,reapers,Morugas,primos and ghost peppers in the sauce but it will need to have lots of flavor and be a little sweet.
Experiment, most people will give you base ideas but to get something to taste the way you expect or envision it to taste, you will need to trial test it yourself. 