wanted Looking for a possible donation of a plant.

Well, I was told to ask nicely by a fellow member to see if anyone has a Trini Scorp or a 7 pot plant they are willing to part with. I have no problem paying and/or returning a favor. I know i'm a noob to the site so asking this might make me seem like a wank, but I just figured everyone is so close knit that it's worth a shot.

PS-----I do fully intend on growing them myself and paying any favor forward. Thanks again for the awesome site.

You can PM me if you like. I'll end up buying from THSC but figured it'd be a safer bet to see if someone had plants that were started so i'm not pushing in the late fall.

Keep it spicy my friends.
Should have joined a few weeks ago. I just gave away 20 or so plants back at the beginning of May. That's all the extra I had. Should have a few pods you could try here in another month or so though.

hey yooper, I have a couple 7 Pots and some (totally unguaranteed) scorpions i would risk trying to ship to you from the other side of the USA if all else fails.
Oh and Jacob, thanks either way. Just amazes me the people on this site. I'm always up for a taste test. Have yet to try any raw super hots.
CJ, it's all good. The fact that people would've is still a great gesture. It'll be nice to return the favor someday. Hopefully in the fall :)
I must be dumb. I can't find any kind of P.M. anywhere.

That is...if you were even talking to me lol

In the upper right hand corner of the screen where your picture is and name........it should have a number up there. If it says 1...that means you have one message waiting. Lol goodluck.
In the upper right hand corner of the screen where your picture is and name........it should have a number up there. If it says 1...that means you have one message waiting. Lol goodluck.

Well that's where I thought it would have been if it was meant for me. I had one there when someone added me as a friend. But there isn't anything there. So evidently that message wasn't meant for me. :)