Looking for advice on roots

Hello All, I recently am trying my hand at growing via DWC. 
I transplanted from soil to DWC. The roots were always a big dingy looking as they had previously had soil on them. I cleaned them as best I could, cleaned the bucket out real good. New roots have finally started growing so I feel like the transplant is a success. However, the old roots are looking real dingy and not sure how I should handle it. Does it look like those roots have root rot? Should I trim them off and let the new roots thrive?
Any advice would be fantastic!
Here are the roots, vs the new roots.

Here is how the plant itself looks.
oh ok! I saw a bunch of other posts where the roots were darker looking and was told that its not healthy. Thanks!
If those center roots darken or get ANY more brown, cut them off, they are rotting. If they rot in the DWC, the water ph will be thrown off constantly and could very potentially cause later problems (nutrient uptake is highly regulated by ph).
If they are still 'live' roots, then leave them be. Though, they look very borderline to me...
The new white roots look nice and healthy though, and should be mature enough to take over the job of the dying roots very soon.
One more thing to consider is that you are using floranova nutes (which I use exclusively) and it makes for a nice dark-brown res mix. So, it is possible the roots are still alive, just colored from the nutes. But I really do think those center roots are on a downhill slope.
Healthy roots are usually white to a light tan. Dark yellow, brown, redish, or grey roots (grey especially) are usually characteristics of dying or already dead roots. Often, grey and dark brown roots are a result of algae.
I saw a bunch of other posts where the roots were darker looking and was told that its not healthy. 
I truly am not hydroponics pro but have some DWC experience. I was advised by a pro that roots should be white and if discolored to treat with hydrogen peroxide:

Just make sure you keep those roots white. A dip in hydrogen peroxide every once in awhile won't hurt it a bit and it will keep the Pythium/root rot away.

Say maybe a tablespoon of hp when you drain out the nutrients and put in fresh water, add the hp to the water prior to adding nutrients and let it run for a bit. Hp simply dissolves and turns into water when its done doing it's job.

If you have access to the 35% food grade it's worth getting. 
I bought mine at my local hydro store. 77hydro.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=5500&search=H2o2

Here's some pix......

And DWC is a fantastic growing method. Watch your nutes & Ph levels for fantastic pepper pod production!

Thanks everyone for all the advice! I have been keeping an eye on them for the last few days and dont think they've gotten worse.

Im going to keep taking pictures over the next few days and if they get worse I'll give the plant a haircut. The new roots are growing quite fast.

I have been watching the PH and its very consistent I havent had to adjust it at all.

Its possible its algae, due to the fact I transplanted from soil, and the water temps are on the higher side 72-74f. I made very sure to clean the buckets with soap and water as well as a bleach scrub prior to putting anything in. I plan to change the nutes this weekend and during that time I will make sure to really clean the buckets well again.
One thing I love about Floranova - PH balanced straight from the bottle. Just watch for 'shifts' in PH. :) You're doing a great job!
Nice update today!
Checked when I got home from work! Had a slight "shift" in PH like you described. I havent checked it for 2 days and it was sitting around 6.7, I think when I originally PH'd the nutes it was around 6.0 however I've added water a few times and our water here is 7.8 from the tap.
However! I noticed that I see new roots coming off the "browny yellow" roots! So I dont know what this actually means but to me it would say they are living roots would it not?
Slimy sounds like algae. It can be brown too. Not that I'm diagnosing anything, but I have had roots in DWC get slimy and look just like that as a result of algae. Usually downhill. I would lop them off and hope the plant puts out new, healthy roots. You can also add a very tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide (like 1-ish tsp per gallon) to help kill the algae. It will also kill a good amount of beneficial micos along with the algae, but you can re-add those again later if you were using any to start with.
But one thing for sure, slimy = not good.
I would also do full water changes slightly more often then regular.
mrgrowguy said:
Slimy sounds like algae. It can be brown too. Not that I'm diagnosing anything, but I have had roots in DWC get slimy and look just like that as a result of algae. Usually downhill. I would lop them off and hope the plant puts out new, healthy roots. You can also add a very tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide (like 1-ish tsp per gallon) to help kill the algae. It will also kill a good amount of beneficial micos along with the algae, but you can re-add those again later if you were using any to start with.
But one thing for sure, slimy = not good.
I would also do full water changes slightly more often then regular.
Yeah thats what I thought too. I did notice a bit of gunk in the bottom of the buckets when I cleaned them out. I washed them good with soap and water and a quick bleach rinse. Changed the water 6 days in. I was thinking about cutting that batch of roots off as new roots have come in quite heavily now.
I swing in here often but post rarely, very busy forum here with changing threads that confuse this old geezer!

Nice ta see ya here too! Starting my single 
2016 DWC project shortly, pubescence, chinense or annum?