wanted Looking for Black Naga and Pepperoncini seeds

Howdy ya'll! The Black Naga's that I planted have sprouted 2 seedlings, but the plants are super tiny and shriveled-looking. I dont think they are long for this world. Unfortunately, its all the seed I had for them. Anyone have any Black Naga seeds they can spare? I obviously don't mind a good trade! Also, my father-in-law LOVES pepperoncini's, so I would like to grow some for him this year. But, I have no seeds for them. Anyone have any of THOSE they would like to trade for?
Thanks everyone!!
Awesome ya'll, THANKS!!
Beagle...(well, for anyone else that is interested)..those shelves that you have for your set-up, you got from Lowe's, right? Well, whether you did or not, Lowe's sells them. Anyways, the set YOU have is usually around $73. I was going to be some in a few weeks. Well, Lowe's has the ones that are next to them, the black ones, for $60. I will get me some this coming weekend. THESE are usually $96!Im not passing up a savings of over $30!! Just some FYI. Oh, and the sale is only until the 28th. And that's HERE. I dont know if thats anywhere else.
Hey hot,,will have the pepperocino coming to you in the parcel.These seeds came from Rome last yr. Rich
hey sean. i've got plenty of black naga seeds from the pods that jacob let us try. i won't grow that strain this year. just to many others. i'll get some in the mail tommorrow or saturday. this way you'll have plenty of seed. i'll even throw in some 7pod brown seeds. everyone should try 7pod brown. they are the FIRE!
Howdy ya'll! The Black Naga's that I planted have sprouted 2 seedlings, but the plants are super tiny and shriveled-looking. I dont think they are long for this world. Unfortunately, its all the seed I had for them. Anyone have any Black Naga seeds they can spare? I obviously don't mind a good trade! Also, my father-in-law LOVES pepperoncini's, so I would like to grow some for him this year. But, I have no seeds for them. Anyone have any of THOSE they would like to trade for?
Thanks everyone!!
