production-facilities Looking for co-packers and process authority/food scientist in SF Bay Area

Hi everyone. 
Thanks to everyone (salsalady in particular) for posting these helpful threads on starting sauce business, they've been very helpful.  :clap:
After some extensive taste testing, and doodling a logo, I'm now at the point where I need to get my sauce tested. As I understand, I need to take a sample to a "process authority" or a food scientist to get it legally certified for sale. Also, after considering my options, I decided to go with a co-packer to bottle the sauce, at least for now. I'm in the SF Bay Area and am wondering if anyone here knows of a proper food scientist and/or co-packer that I can start working with around here, preferably in the south or east bay (San Jose, Fremont, Hayward areas). I've found a reasonable co-packer in Napa and a PA at UC Davis. But if there are closer options, any recommendations would be much appreciated.  :pray:
Thanks again everyone. 
for the PA, use who you can find reasonably close.  Mailing a couple bottles costs a couple bucks, so if there is a PA at UCDavis, go for it and get the ball rolling for approval.  You don't need to personally deliver the bottles to the PA, just get the sauce and process approved.  That will help when you meet with co-packers.  You can give them everything they need (recipe & approved process) to get you a quote for processing or to at least start the discussion.  
If you are in the Hayward area, go to the FM there and find Scott Zalkind at Lucky Dog Hot Sauce.  I'm not sure which markets he's at, but he would be a great person to find out information on local processors/co-packers in your area.
Good Luck and Have Fun!!!