wanted Looking for different strains of Tabasco

So it turns out, my new favorite pepper after my first grow season was the old favorite, Tabasco. Just nothing beats that squirt of juice when you bite into them and that sharp, bright flavor. While doing a little research on the plant, I found mention of several different types of seeds including the "Mcilhenny-Store Strain" and the "Mcilhenny-Family Strain" as well as the Greenleaf Tabasco.

If anyone on the board has a few seeds or maybe knows a source for the seeds, I'd really appreciate it. I can pay or send out a SASBE as necessary.

Thanks guys!

Judy at pepperlover has the Costa Rica strain and I think a tall version also. You might have to ask her. This strain was very juicy and nice looking. see pic
I have a few unisolated Avery Island Tobasco seeds I can throw your way. Send me a PM with your addy if you are interested.

You may also want to look into Malagueta or Malaguetinha seeds. They are also a tobasco type fruetescens, but have a little better taste, IMO... They are from Brazil if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks guys. I actually checked out Reimer Seeds as was disappointed to see they were out of stock. My growing season is so short here that the Tabasco seeds I started last year in early April didn't pod up until 2 weeks before our first frost so finding out they won't come in for a couple of months wouldn't give them much chance. I found a mention of the Mchilhenny Tabasco on here that maybe Cappy had seeds but it seems he disappeared after some issues and I haven't been able to find his contact info.

NorTexChiliJs: PM on it's way for sure. I might try those Malagueta on Pepperlover along with her Tabasco seeds. It looks like the Brazilian pepper is a base for the African Bird's Eye which I'm also growing this year so it should be a nice comparison between it, the Bird's Eye and the Tabasco.
btw...if you love that pepper, try growing some duke pequins....AWESOME! i use them exclusively for pickling and they are amazing! had hard time with germination but i think thats true with all 'bird' varieties....tough husks. good luck!
btw...if you love that pepper, try growing some duke pequins....AWESOME! i use them exclusively for pickling and they are amazing! had hard time with germination but i think thats true with all 'bird' varieties....tough husks. good luck!

Thanks for the heads up. I may give em a try.

Heck dont know witch one this is but its from Judy...CGN21546 PI586675 Tabasco. Yer welcom to them.

I actually went ahead and ordered another 4 packs of these from Judy last week. Thanks for the offer though :D
Don't ever buy pepper seeds from reimers! There are numerous bad reports about them around the web. Sorry if this is off topic.

A heads up is never off topic. I'll definitely do some research on them before I even think about ordering (if they ever get them in stock).

NorTexChiliJs was kind enough to offer up some of the Avery Island tabasco seeds (Big thanks btw) but I'm still looking for the Greenleaf variety.

Thanks again guys. Love this place!