seeds Looking for Good Tabasco Seeds

Is anyone growing an exceptionally nice tabasco plant this year? Have you walked around Avery Island recently and happened across any peppers laying around (wishful thinking...)? 
If so, let me know, I'd love to trade some seeds with you!
Years ago I managed to grow a monster tabasco pant, but all the ones I've grown since haven't gotten half as big as the one from that first year. This year's seed pack yielded exceptionally puny plants  :cry:
I want to experiment with tabasco hybrids, but need better seed stock than I've been able to find.
I have a few seeds, but unfortunately the one plant I currently have growing I have purposefully kept small because it is in a small decorative planter sitting on a table in my backyard. I brought the seeds with me from Mexico this past December. My plant already has plenty of pods, so I should have more seeds soon, but I also have some of the seeds that I brought back from Mexico. Let me know if you would like to see a picture of my plant and I can post one later today when I get home. 
RedHotChiliPeppers said:
I have a few seeds, but unfortunately the one plant I currently have growing I have purposefully kept small because it is in a small decorative planter sitting on a table in my backyard. I brought the seeds with me from Mexico this past December. My plant already has plenty of pods, so I should have more seeds soon, but I also have some of the seeds that I brought back from Mexico. Let me know if you would like to see a picture of my plant and I can post one later today when I get home. 
Very cool, definitely interested, let me know when you get some seeds out of it and we can swap. Thank you!
Have some seeds from last year, the date is when I packaged the seeds after drying. These seeds are from Bonnie plants, heavy producers, and plants grew about 3-4ft in a 4gal container. I can spare 15-20 seeds as I'll be growing tabasco plants next year.