Looking for ideas for next years grow

I live in NY/N.East Coast. 
Looking for productive plants that don't take forever to ripen.
I'd prefer them to be hot so I typically like C.Chinense more than other types..
Heat levels... nothing specific. I'd say anything from Habanero+ as long as it tastes pretty good. People love the Scotch Bonnet taste up in here if that helps with recommendations. 
I've had a lot of success with Yellow Ghost and Scotch Bonnet. Red Ghosts are super productive too but seem to take longer to ripen.
Thanks folks.
Chinense will always take the longest to ripen in my opinion, but if you are looking for that scotch bonnet style and taste I would recommend Bahamian Goat, Freeport Orange, and Red Antillais Habaneros all tasty and and sweet with a good amount of heat.
Seems like all the super hots take a long time to fruit.  I am digging on habanero lately.  There are so many different colors and shapes.  They aren[t really super hot, but many will do a good job at setting your face on fire.  Best part, they tend to be an early fruiter.
I grew Carolina yellow habs this year..Ripened real early, like beginning of Aug. some of my Bhuts and 7-Pots are just starting to show color..
PepperZ said:
I live in NY/N.East Coast. 
Looking for productive plants that don't take forever to ripen.
I'd prefer them to be hot so I typically like C.Chinense more than other types..
Heat levels... nothing specific. I'd say anything from Habanero+ as long as it tastes pretty good. People love the Scotch Bonnet taste up in here if that helps with recommendations. 
I've had a lot of success with Yellow Ghost and Scotch Bonnet. Red Ghosts are super productive too but seem to take longer to ripen.
Thanks folks.
I live in northeast.

Here's what I recommend for productive chinense in our zone.

Bubblegum 7 Pod
Ministry of Agriculture Scotch Bonnet
Carolina Reaper
Naga Viper
Chuck Norris Moruga

I get huge yields from Chinense and non-Chinense from doing this:

Plant tone applied around base of plant at planting. Water with 2 tbsp of fish emulsion mixed in with 2 gallons of water.

When flowering, spray leaves with kelp diluted in water spray bottle
Follow the next week by spraying leaves with 2 tbsp of epsom diluted in water spray bottle
Follow next week with watering with fish emulsion mixture mentioned above.
Rotate weekly according to above schedule until first frost kills your plants unless you plan to overwinter.
In mid-late August reapply plant tone as mentioned above.
Remember, this is intended to feed ALL pepper plants in your garden and not a single plant - that will overload and harm plant
I live in NJ; red Congo Trinidads were very productive for me, plus were the first of my chinense to offer ripe pods, by quite a ways.  They taste really nice, and they´re right at the Hab/Hab+ heat level.  Like, upper range for normal Habs? 
But really, most of my plants hooked me up with pods throughout most of August; exceptions being the Nagas, 7Pot SR, and the JPGS, which are just now getting ripe.  My big plan for next year is to start every step of the process earlier by around one month.  Selecting particular varieties seems less important than that, in my point of view....
I've definitely had good success with chocolate habs and red congo too.
Some of these sound great. Bahamian Goat and Bubblegum look interesting.