legal Looking for Legal Advice

This is my first year running a big operation and I plan on selling my hots & superhots from our farmstand on a friends property and at our local farmer's markets. I was wondering:
  1. Should I have my customers sign some sort of disclaimer for my protection when buying the Superhots / Where can I obtain such a disclaimer?
  2. I plan on selling my salsa varieties online - what do I need to know concerning the FDA and online food sales?
Personally, an LLC is never a bad thing. Minimal cost to create one, and the protections it affords you outweigh the costs greatly! Protect your personal assets! People sue for the strangest things (remember the hot coffee suit against McDonalds?), and worse, the court sometimes finds in their favor (even when the plaintiff was an idiot).. An LLC definitely protects your personal belongings..

As for health codes, check with your own town and state. I know here in NJ, if you want to prepare food for resale, you need certain things in your kitchen (i.e. a double sink is one).. The resources available at the town / county / state level are for your use, and definitely give a look as they are there to help small businesses...
Nothing will save you from a frivolous lawsuit.

If you tell people they're superhots, they're on notice.

A waiver isn't foolproof, nor is an LLC.

I dont mean to sound like a knowitall - i'm not. But i went through this process recently & between then & now spoke to several attorneys.

The gist is that a sole-owner LLC protects you from nothing. There's a myth that it protects all your personal assets, but as the only person with skin in the game you can bet someone will go after your personal assets.

Now, as for the waiver, just put up a sign in full display that says something like "these are really really hot peppers - eat at your own risk."

I don't see why you'd need a waiver unless you're force feeding them to people. If I understand correctly, you're gonna sell raw peppers.

If a customer buys 'em from you & leaves nothing else is your responsibility beyond that point. If they eat 'em or can 'em or shove 'em up their arse it's none of your concern nor is it your responsibly.

Only place I've seen require a warning is Prince of Wales in San Mateo for their Red Savina burger. But again - that's consumed on the premises. And it's a little bit gimmicky.

Good luck!