Looking for non-dairy recommendations

Just found some Olivio coconut "spread" at the grocery store. It was in with butters, margarins, and other spreads. It's made with coconut oil, has no dairy, and is organic and vegan. He hasn't tried it yet, but I slapped some on a corn muffin - YUM! It does have a bit of coconut flavor, but it doesn't seem too strong. I don't make sweet corn muffins - this is cornbread made in muffin cups, and I put things like pepper powder and garlic in the mix - so it's promising as an option for other, more savory dishes. I've done savory Asian with coconut milk, but this will be my first foray into trying other styles with a coconut option. I will let you know what I think about that in a few days. Hmmm.... steak cooked with coconut spread? Intriguing.....
Kat, you make your own goat cheese? Girl I would love to see pics and your recipe the next time you make it. I've been wanting to make my own frommage for years but am a little intimidated.