Looking for Peach & White Varieties

So, I'm going to be expanding the varieties I offer and I Really like the flavor of the peach and white varieties. For peach, we are growing: Bhut, habañero, and Jays g/s. For white we have: giant white hab, Peruvian white & Bhut. I've been reading up on the 7 Pot white but I see several different looking strains....same with the Fatalii White. I'd love to hear suggestions/opinions/....I'm not necessarily only looking for heat. Sweet peppers are welcome too!
Beside the other superhot varieties you can find (peach moruga, Congo, 7 pot, fatalii...) i would take in consideration some baccatums such as:
Aji Fantasy White: nice fruits with medium to low heat and citrusy flavour
Sugar Rush Peach: peach variant of the Sugar rush cream, heard very good things about this pepper

Peach Fatalii and Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion is all i'm doing this year. I've had neither so I can't vouch. Peach Naga and Peach Congo from PL caught my interest for next years grow.
Aji Melocoton is supposed to be a really good Baccatum from PL and it's peach I believe. 
In my experience, white Fatalii are a really interesting flavour that has notes of lemon like most people say about the Fatalii but not very strong ones. It actually seems to have more notes of clotted cream if you ask me, which makes it very different from most chillies.