vendor looking for peruvian peppers *Newbie*

Good evening all... im new to this forum but my love for peppers have never died, I love eating the spicy ones .. there is something about them that drives me nuts;...... lol.. i know it sounds funny but it does.. im not a habit collector but i do have some seeds to trade... i dont know if this is the right place... but been peruvian and a chef i been collecting my peruvian chili seeds for a while... i have to trade rocoto, aji amarillo, aji panca, aji mochero, lemon drop and aji limo... sad to say I lost my arnaucho..had a bit of an accident and they got all wet ... and in the freezing cold was hard to save them.... so im looking for pipi de mono , arnaucho or any other type of peruvian chilli, willing to trade or buy.. so i hope im posting this in the right forum.... pls hit me up and let me know... thank you for letting me be part of this great forum 