Update: All my peppers are on their 3rd layer of leaves and will be coming home with me when they get big enough and it gets hot enough to hang them on my porch. I'll post pics when they come home, and when I figure out how to do that.
Hey everyone. Update: I've got 3" tall seedlings with 2-3 pairs of leaves for my peppers. When they get bigger and it gets hotter here, I'll be bringing home 6 plants, and an additional plant of peter peppers and cayenne she is growing. I'll post pics when they get here.
As of today I have 6 varieties going with 8 plants. I have pics but I can't seem to post them through tapatalk. This shouldn't be so dang hard.
Okay so this is Merico Fana and Peter pepper, both starting to flower. http://smg.photobucket.com/user/xmyladylostx/media/Mobile Uploads/IMAG1338.jpg.html?filters[user]=364564&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
This is chocolate fatali on the far right and right next to it, and reaper next to that.....
http://smg.photobucket.com/user/xmyladylostx/media/Mobile Uploads/IMAG1336.jpg.html?filters[user]=364564&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=2
I guess that's 6 varieties. I transplanted them and hit them with B9 for days, then I use Alaskan fish fertilizer every 3 weeks. This is about 8 weeks since seedlings? Something like that. How am I doing?
Sara, in photobucket, click/copy the bottom of the 4 choices in the Share box, the one with the tag on both ends. post that link into your post above, that inserts the image into the post. I get an Error when clicking on the above links.Â
looking forward to seeing how they're doing.