Looking for Xalapas seed

I am looking for landrace Xalapas, the real deal! And the huge Serranos that I have been seeing in the local markets. I managed to get a high percentage of serrano seeds to germinate from pods bought at the market but my fear is the maybe these too are hybrid. I dont have a lot to trade right now as this year is the year I am growing for seed stock, but if you see something you are interested in on my grow list and I have a surplus, I would be willing to trade. or I will send you seed obtained from this years grow.
Real Serranos are less than 3", anything consistently 3" or longer is almost certainly going to be a hybrid. Some of the well known popular seed suppliers like Burpee, Park Seeds, Johnny's, etc. sell new hybrids with large size.
Just an update,  I just transplanted 45 xalapa plants to begin their hardening off process.
I am hopeful these will turn out like my serranos have.
I pulled 2 immature serrano pods today to sample and I am very satisfied with the flavor and heat they have so far. The pods I pulled were approx 4" in length and if they are true to their parents, should grow another 2", double in girth which is pencil dia, increase in flavor and significantly in heat.
Check out tasty-peppers.nl (meatfreak) for an excellent jalapeno selection. To me Zapotec Jalapeno is an excellent landrace variety.

