wanted looking for.......

looking to trade for a couple different strains list below if you have any you can trade pm me with details and what you are looking for thanks

1. c. galapagoense<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*********
2.7pot/pod Primo yellow
3.C. Lanceolatum<<<<<<<<<<<<***********
4.carolina reaper
5.Aji Cristal
6.Filius Blue
7.Pimenta de Neyde
8.Amish Bush
9.'Biker Billy' jalapeno
10. ANY crosses
11.Maui Purple
12.Bishops Hat
13.Pink Trinidad Scorpion
14.Brown 7 Pot

Hey Tyler !

Hell I think I might have some HP22B-A's that I didnt sow, maybe like 3 or 4 of them. If ya intrested you know what to do buddy.
I've got some 7 pot douglah, a few crosses and maybe a few maui purple. I will have to check on my seed count for the maui to see what I can spare.
Your 16 yrs old and a firefighter? Well, anyway, I have some Aji Crystal from SSE, sell by date is 12/2011. PM
me if you want them.