Looks like Elmer's Glue on my Plant. What is it?

It's on my pepperocini plant.  Here are the pics:
I can't quote an appropriate textbook reference from memory, but i seem to recall that they can sometimes be a vector for some plant diseases with some plant species... whether this is relevant to peppers in your area is unknown to me. They can be easily dislodged by a fairly gentle spray of water -- it doesn't need to be a strong enough stream to hurt foliage. If knocked clean off the plant, they have a poor chance of re-accquiring your plant as a host: they're not very mobile. It's the juvenile phase of a small bug we used to call "frog-hoppers" when i was a boy.
They're sap-suckers, like aphids, but usually of much less concern to most gardeners. The sudsy goop around them deters would-be predators, and is derived from soapy chemicals found in plant sap called saponins.
I'm under the impression that they are normally of no more concern than a mosquito bite on a human. They did hurt some Stevia plants of mine once, but that was a heavy infestation.
The easiest fix is to use a stream of water. If you can stop the juveniles from reaching adulthood you can break the mating cycle and be done with them. If you just ignore them they will cover your entire garden with nasty spit globs.