review Looks like we had the same idea today. My Reaper Review

Ok, well stereo Carolina Reaper reviews it is, then  :hell:
I thought this one tasted fantastic. It was extremely hot, but not insanely hot. My only issue was that this is the only ever pepper to make me nauseous, and badly nauseous at that. I didn`t puke, but it wasn`t fun for half an hour right after I ate it. I did get very slight stomach cramps as well, but nothing much.
Nigel and Buck! Great combo, Gnome!!!

Great review (again), Nigel. Baby must have even been scared of this one - she was quiet! The absence of an endorphin rush has me curious on this one...
Ed, it`s about 3 hours after I ate it and I feel like someone has kicked me in the stomach. The cramps were no bid deal for me, but the nausea was very strong. I`ve never had these effects from any pepper before now. There really is something odd to these Reapers, as they are hot, but not that hot, yet they seem to do a number on the stomach.

The birds all sleep from 11am-3pm, so that`s my usual chili eating time!
Great review Nigel! The looks of the pod was different from mine. At least the outside of the pod was. Very accurate description of the flavor although I think its more of a sweeter red brainstrain flavor to me or at least my pod was. Looks like the end result was the same for us and we suffered the same fate. The Reaper kicked our guts! LoL hope you are feeling better brother!
I have to wonder what it is about the HP22B that causes the stomach issues you guys are reporting. I have watched many reviews but most do not have an "After effect" post to see if others are experiencing the same things. I think I am going to try to find out though. 
These ultra-hot pepper reviews keep reminding me of the article about the nagaland (India) ghost chili eating contest. The "winner" ate 14 bhuts, and based on the pics in the magazine they were some king size pods. So whatever you are feeling, just know some poor guy in India ate at least 10x as much capsaicin and survived (we think).
PepperWhisperer said:
These ultra-hot pepper reviews keep reminding me of the article about the nagaland (India) ghost chili eating contest. The "winner" ate 14 bhuts, and based on the pics in the magazine they were some king size pods. So whatever you are feeling, just know some poor guy in India ate at least 10x as much capsaicin and survived (we think).
Rather them than me, that`s just way too much for my stomach. It`s like seeing these superhot chili eating contests where they eat 12 in order of ascending heat.
No thank you.
Arkennon said:
I have to wonder what it is about the HP22B that causes the stomach issues you guys are reporting. I have watched many reviews but most do not have an "After effect" post to see if others are experiencing the same things. I think I am going to try to find out though. 
Yes, I wonder about that, too. I`ll eat another one later in the year and see if I get the same effects.
Let us all know when you get to try one!
I will never got over seeing some of you guys do this and with a straight nonchalant look on your face, simply say "There is quite significant pain at the back of my throat."
Significant pain should be met with screams and breaths of fire!!! It either doesn't hurt that much, you are Hulk Hogan's brother or I am a puss!
nice review Nigel I have tried the reaper puree but not a fresh pod and will say it dose have a very unique flavor the burn on the puree was very good and deep but totally manageable awesome reviews man you true calling might be pepper reviews you are better than FBI IN THAT YOU ARE MORE DISCRIPTIVE AND LESS Dramatic you got a high tolerance will say that,,
pepperhog said:
nice review Nigel I have tried the reaper puree but not a fresh pod and will say it dose have a very unique flavor the burn on the puree was very good and deep but totally manageable awesome reviews man you true calling might be pepper reviews you are better than FBI IN THAT YOU ARE MORE DISCRIPTIVE AND LESS Dramatic you got a high tolerance will say that,,
 I`m a big fan of Ted`s reviews, so wow, that is incredible praise. Thank you so much.
Island_Dan said:
I will never got over seeing some of you guys do this and with a straight nonchalant look on your face, simply say "There is quite significant pain at the back of my throat."
Significant pain should be met with screams and breaths of fire!!! It either doesn't hurt that much, you are Hulk Hogan's brother or I am a puss!
I agree, I don't understand how people do it. I like superhots but I always scream and pant like wuss.
Yeah exactly! Some reviewers, I will not mention names, PEXPEPPERS, they keep good composure but you can see the physical distress at least by tears rolling down their eyes and the red flush taking over their face, but still manages to keep it together. Nigel is a pepper eating beast like the Biz. If you didn't say their was pain, I would never know you were suffering.
You reviewers just aren't human!  :shocked:   I'll maybe try one of the several varieties I'm growing this year, but I guarantee it will be a complete wussyfest from start to finish.