pests Losing battle with aphids

ajdrew said:
I now have the strangest desire to put lady bugs and aphids together with a web cam.
On the matter of spraying the plants down to rid it of aphids, I think I know why that advice is given over and over and people do not think it works.  It has never worked for me indoors.  Nor do a lot of the other methods people list.  Outdoors, it works like a charm for me.  I think what happens is indoors, they survive and hop right back on your plants.  Outdoors, they find something they prefer to munch on.  I think the same is true of the many different organic solutions.  They make the plant taste bad, but if the bugs have nothing else to eat they stick around.  If you are outdoors, they have a world of better tasting plants.
What's this some strange lady bug porn web cast will there be a fee.
I've used the soap trick and did work sometimes and sometimes nothing seemed to work. So let's play nice. Wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :)
Student of Spice said:
not really, just talking.... same as you, or him, or anyone else. But yeah, clever with the snatch bit, name calling is cool.
There was no name calling just an behavioral analogy. 
back on topic you sensitive sissy (that's name calling and justified). I'm only effing with sarcasm doesn't translate on the forum 
ColdSmoke said:
back on topic you sensitive sissy (that's name calling and justified)
yeah sure what ever you win the internet hooray

Well I can relate to the sarcasm not coming across right
but to be fair I have been wanting to post that don't feed the troll thing for awhile now so yeah, take it, take it and like it!
Roguejim said:
I think you might be a little overly concerned about the gnats. They tend to be more of a nuisance than an absolute threat to the plants, unless left unabated, I suppose. Mosquito dunks in your watering can, and sticky tape alone will keep them in check, although there might always be a few flying around. So what. I have them every season because of the bagged potting soil I use, which must be laced with gnat eggs. I panicked my first season, but now, I use the mosquito dunks, sticky tape, and a 1/2" layer of perlite on the soil. With all that, I always have a few buzzing around.
microwave the bagged potting soil and it will kill eggs and any other critters in it . one big bowl at a time 90 seconds    :onfire:
oldsalty said:
What's this some strange lady bug porn web cast will there be a fee.
I've used the soap trick and did work sometimes and sometimes nothing seemed to work. So let's play nice. Wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :)
uh ol'salty ,  porn / soap ? don't sound good my friend !     :rofl:
Now ya'll did it ! The T.H.P. police were called ! 
There is no need for this to go any further in the direction that it has taken.
I probably came across as SOS indicated. Looks like everyone had their say so, I move that we move on.
No it must go further, for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
just like aphids


CAPCOM said:
There is no need for this to go any further in the direction that it has taken.
I probably came across as SOS indicated. Looks like everyone had their say so, I move that we move on.
can't speak for him but im just having a bit of fun especially with the pictures but
if we muuuuusssstttt get the train back on track I have some more aphid solutions you might not agree with lol
mlittle74, if you're growing in pots, put a quarter inch layer of sand on top of your soil to break the gnat life cycle.  I've done it... it works.