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Losing Flowers/Pods

I'm losing flowers on a 7 pot incredibly fast. Yesterday there were five buds that the flower had already fallen off and the small pepper was peeking out. This morning I touched each one, barely with just the tip of a finger, and all five of them fell off. There are 8 peppers on this plant and I'm afraid that's all I'm going to get.

Any ideas? Suggestions?
Same thing is happening to me. I have tried shade, phosphate, epsom salt to no avail.

Plants look really healthy except for this one problem, which really seems to make the entire exercise pointless :banghead::mope:
I have 2 7 Pots in my hotel room. All of my other plants are producing, (very slowly), except the 7's. The 7's make flowers, but no pollen. Then they fall off. One looks like it has rust. I'm going to cut it back to a stick, and try to over winter it. It's killing me, because I really want some 7Pots! waahhh!!!
Are your leaves going yellow?

The one thing I noticed last year when I was getting bud drop once I looked at everything I was doing was that the fertilisers I was using were super high in Nitrogen and when I changed to a fert that was a lot lower in nitrogen the problem went away.
That could help moyboy however i was thinking tempurature. I have an overwintered Dorset that is just coming back now and it went through an enormous amount of flower drop because the days were so hot. Whats the temps been like there Pat?
Sorry for taking so long to get back to this. It isn't the temps Nova as we're barely hitting 80F. I'm going to go with moyboy's idea of too much nitrogen. I had a yellowing leaf problem and hit the nitrogen rather hard. The rain and my water bucket have pretty much flushed out the system so hopefully the bud drop will stop.

Thanks for the help fellas.
Too cold night time temperatures will cause you flower drop problems too. I lost a lot of flowers with the cold snap we had at the end of August / September. With night time temps in the low to mid 40's my peppers dropped basically every new flower.

Too much nitrogen doesn't help either.
Temperature is interesting. What about normal range temps that fluctuate wildly? Temps here have gone from night time 80 to night time 60.
Day time temps in the 90's will kill pollen, and will actually cause flower drop up to 15 days.

They say that temps below 65 can cause flower drop, which is true, but it isn't until the lows really start getting below 55 that it is a problem. In michigan we had an extremely cold summer and I wouldn't have had any peppers if all the flowers dropped at below 65 degrees.

We had a couple of nights that got down to 41 - 43, that really killed off all the existing flowers.
Matt Berry said:
Day time temps in the 90's will kill pollen, and will actually cause flower drop up to 15 days.

15 days could explain my problems. I couldn't figure out why tiny buds during the heat wave would drop as flowers after the weather had already been cool for a time before they opened.
Same thing happens when they are not getting enough light. If the stem is turning yellowish then it's nutrient related.
Mine are in the shade right now, as I moved them out of direct sunlight during the heat wave. At that time it was 100f in the shade and 130 in the sun.

Light is bouncing off the white walls they are up against now, and the plants look healthy in general. Do they still require more light?

UPDATE: Maybe they are doing OK in the shade. I just vibrated the stems and saw a little flower drop, but also a brown petal drop, exposing a new baby podling. And another one looks ready as well.

BTW, I didn't mean to highjack patrick's thread. We both are having the same issue.

There are so many variables!