cloning Low Cost Turnkey Cloner

I purchased and used one of these Dewey Mister 2 gallon 8 site cloners for the last two months. This item is fantastic, this was my first attempt at cloning and because of it I was able to achieve 100% success. On top of that, the cuttings I was attempting to root were from fruiting Thai Dragons and Jamaican Mushrooms whose stems were very "woody".
My understanding is that this is quite difficult to do with such late season plants. The Mushrooms all rooted within a few weeks, the Dragons took almost 2 months.
I'm obviously new around here so I'm aware my experience probably counts for little, but I didn't see anyone posting about this so I wanted everyone to at least be aware that it's available for those looking for a turnkey system. Uses only 2.8 watts!
That's a nice looking system for a decent price! I cloned my hybrid into 8 plants really late last year (December) from the greenhouse. It was my first time, and I just plopped cuttings into water glasses. I made some errors, but all survived (I later euthanized one because it had "forever runt" syndrome). It took forever for the roots to flourish, and they are no bigger than my starts for this year. I think that's why many prefer to start with seeds. I need to start earlier this year, and may try a system like that to see if it accelerates the process.
I use a 5-gallon bucket with a fish tank air stone in the bottom. Cut a hole in the lid, drop in a basket pot, fill it with LECA, and throw in a few cuttings. A few drops of superthrive doesn't hurt either. I've been able to clone pretty much anything this way. Average 75% success. Not the best way but works for me.
sp33d: That's an impressive setup to be sure. Saw the Neptune's in the closet. I tried running that in my aero for a week in the living room and the wife was none to pleased. I tried to keep a straight face when she immediately asked about there being some new foul odor in the house, but couldn't keep from busting out in laughter.
I know some people rather build their own, but some lack the time or patience and want the instant gratification. $42 + shipping and all I had to do was open my door, bend over and pick it up. Just giving everyone options here, that's all. There's fewer working parts to break in this rig as well.