health Lower leaves are falling. Is something wrong?

Basically all the leaves below the Y have been falling for a couple of weeks. Otherwise the plant seems happy I think. It's been dropping a lot of flowers too but 2 have set now. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Here's a pic.
CAPCOM said:
I think you are running too dry.
Really? I was thinking the opposite because my soil takes a long time to dry. After the top dries up I just wait 1-2 days before watering again. I water once a week give or take.
When growing indoors under lights, its normal for the bigger older leaves to drop off after the canopy of small younger leaves develop. Otherwise the two links have some good advice. Other than that, dig a finger in the dirt about an inch, if its dry its probably time to water, with plastic pots its harder to tell if the bottom is dry like you can with fabric pots. With my grow bags I know its time to water when the bottom no longer feels damp.
Hafners said:
When growing indoors under lights, its normal for the bigger older leaves to drop off after the canopy of small younger leaves develop. Otherwise the two links have some good advice. Other than that, dig a finger in the dirt about an inch, if its dry its probably time to water, with plastic pots its harder to tell if the bottom is dry like you can with fabric pots. With my grow bags I know its time to water when the bottom no longer feels damp.
I'm growing in my balcony actually so they get direct sunlight. Temperature is between 68 and 87, humidity is high and I use 18-18-21 Miracle Gro fertilizer. Maybe I'm letting them dry up too much.
I've been thinking on getting fabric pots, do you have a recommendation for ones I can get online for a reasonable price?
that's normal.
can see small branches forming at those nodes now.
The lower leaves were probably getting shaded most of the time so it will put out side branches to expand away form the canopy.