Hey there cats & kittens, it's time for a Father's Day Sale!
Father's Day is coming up fast - June 21st!
That's really soon, you say...Yes indeedy, but I'm here to help! Starting today and going through the 18th of June at 11:59 PM PT, I have the following deals going on for Father's Day:
1. Purchase any 4-pack, 6-pack or 7-pack, and I'll throw in an additional bottle on the house. If you specify which you'd like in a note I'm happy to accommodate, otherwise I'll just pick one for you. No coupon code necessary! Get 2x 4-packs, 6-packs or 7-packs, you'll get 2 free!

2. All men's t-shirts and all hoodies are $5 off through the 18th of June at 11:59 PM PT - I've marked them all down on the website, so again, no need for a coupon!

So order today and save - and of course, though this is for Dads, you can certainly take advantage of this sale to get yourself a little something special too. Not like I'm gonna card you or ask to see pics of your parents or kids.
Love & hot sauce
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce
Father's Day is coming up fast - June 21st!

That's really soon, you say...Yes indeedy, but I'm here to help! Starting today and going through the 18th of June at 11:59 PM PT, I have the following deals going on for Father's Day:
1. Purchase any 4-pack, 6-pack or 7-pack, and I'll throw in an additional bottle on the house. If you specify which you'd like in a note I'm happy to accommodate, otherwise I'll just pick one for you. No coupon code necessary! Get 2x 4-packs, 6-packs or 7-packs, you'll get 2 free!

2. All men's t-shirts and all hoodies are $5 off through the 18th of June at 11:59 PM PT - I've marked them all down on the website, so again, no need for a coupon!

(I'm the good looking fellow on the right

And if you use the coupon code THP4ME it'll knock an additional 10% off of anything in your cart, including the already discounted shirts & bulk sauce packages! 
So order today and save - and of course, though this is for Dads, you can certainly take advantage of this sale to get yourself a little something special too. Not like I'm gonna card you or ask to see pics of your parents or kids.

Love & hot sauce
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce