Lucky Dog Hot Sauce wins a Lenny!


ILOVEITSPICY's Lenny Award for the 2013 Product Line of the Year! 
This is the award for the highest average review scores across the board on all products for 2013, at both iloveitspicy and other review sites (THP, Hot Sauce Daily, Scott Roberts, Heat Addicts, etc)
I am stunned and in disbelief - such a cool trophy, and an honor considering it's named in memory of  Al's father Lenny. 
Apparently it's based only on my 1st 3 products. Hopefully I can continue to make products worthy of such an honor.  Thanks to everyone at THP for your kindness and support along the way! 
Thanks everyone. - had trouble sleeping last night I was so tickled. There are a lot of amazing products out there so I'm really very amazed by this. a little over a year ago I was making sauce for friends & family in my kitchen. I found THP when I was considering going pro and seeking a "professional" caliber review and feedback from Chileheads. I couldn't imagine what a helpful and accepting community I'd find. Through that chain of events and the generosity of THP members with information, peppers for prototyping, and tasting notes & advice from members, my company launched faster and likely significantly better than it would have otherwise. This award has a lot of THP in it, and I am grateful to this community for everything. :cheers:
you guys deserve it. and thank you for your involvement with the military out reach program. the only hot sauce they seem to carry in the chow halls in the desert is that god awful franks.
judohero said:
you guys deserve it. and thank you for your involvement with the military out reach program. the only hot sauce they seem to carry in the chow halls in the desert is that god awful franks.
Yep - and the mini tabascos they put in MREs. :(