

Note to self: Consume Bhut Jolokia after ingesting at least one other item to put something in stomach. Whew.
Yeah. Feels like that moment when you really overdid it with the alcohol. Not good. There's a reason I moderate my drinking like a hawk nowadays.

Lesson learned!

I LOVE the burn, but not in my stomach!
Feels like that scene in Alien to me. I'd take the alcohol feel over bubbling, churning baby alien any day!

Agree, love the burn but not the rock gut
Salami, grapes, chocolate, corn chips........and a Bhut. Hell yeah, wish I was having your lunch.


That's cheese. I wish I had a little chocolate, too.

I like to keep the bread from ruining my lunch. Meat cheese, at least one veggie/fruit, and something crunchy.

Tryin' to be (kinda) good and then have a burger every now 'n' then.

I literally almost passed out doubled over from the bhut's number on my stomach. Finally came to my senses, sweating like a stuck pig, and downed a ton of water. Seemed to get better.

That has never happened to me before. I've had FAR worse mouth/throat burns, but never a reaction from my stomach like that. Wonder why this time?
Eephus, do you ever check out the peppers in the produce department ant wholefoods? I work at whole foods and whenthey order habaneros sometimes they aren't habaneros
Eephus, do you ever check out the peppers in the produce department ant wholefoods? I work at whole foods and whenthey order habaneros sometimes they aren't habaneros

lol. What are they!?

Yes I do. I look almost every time I go. In fact, my current seed stock for my red Bhuts came from WF. IOW, the pepper you see in the photo above grew from WF stock. :D

That's cheese. I wish I had a little chocolate, too.

I like to keep the bread from ruining my lunch. Meat cheese, at least one veggie/fruit, and something crunchy.

Tryin' to be (kinda) good and then have a burger every now 'n' then.

I literally almost passed out doubled over from the bhut's number on my stomach. Finally came to my senses, sweating like a stuck pig, and downed a ton of water. Seemed to get better.

That has never happened to me before. I've had FAR worse mouth/throat burns, but never a reaction from my stomach like that. Wonder why this time?

Thanks for confirming my suspicion -- chocolate helps with my gut agony from eating ghost peppers!
Having some bitter chocolate prior (or soon after ) seems to lessen my stomach pain.
Now if I can only stop the sensation of caterpillars crawling out of my ears ! :doh:
If your stomach is ok today, then it wasn't the grapes. That was the only other thing I could think of. Sometimes just one bad grape can create a horror show in the belly area. Nasty!
lol. No, it was *definitely* the pepper. Just a weird experience. Have run across a few others here that have had it, too.

I'm now gunshy on eating them raw, which I've never had a problem with before. I'm either getting old, or I just need to make sure I eat other food first and have plenty of water on hand. Maybe a part of it stuck to the upper part of my stomach.

Today I have a Kaleidoscope. Should be much easier on me. :)

lol. What are they!?

Yes I do. I look almost every time I go. In fact, my current seed stock for my red Bhuts came from WF. IOW, the pepper you see in the photo above grew from WF stock. :D
dunno? whole foods have a buyer for each region that goes to farms and checks out the farms to see the best and sometimes when they order them they get sold different items.probably crosses. once the orange habs looked like datils, and another time they looked like bell peppers but long and thin